Kestrel Tellevate News
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Get to know our KTL team! This month, we are catching up with Senior Consultant Liz Hillgren. Liz brings over 20 years of environmental experience in both industry and consulting to the KTL team. She is based in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Tell us a little bit about your background—what are your areas of expertise?
My background is in hazardous waste. I worked for transfer, storage, and disposal facilities (TSDFs) for 20 years. I have worked at a landfill, a stabilization facility, a fuel blender, a used oil recycler, and a wastewater treatment facility. I have managed technical groups but also customer service throughout my career in industry.
What types of clients do you work with? What are the biggest issues you see them facing right now?
My KTL customers are largely manufacturing facilities. Most of them are mid-sized, so they don’t always have tons of money—but they do have real regulatory issues.
What would you say is a highlight of your job?
I like to help my customers solve problems, because I feel like I am part of their team. I also like to learn new things—my job always has something new to think about.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I am a gardener, and I enjoy being outside. I live in an old house full of projects and potential. I like to sew. I just started beekeeping, so that is currently where all my time and money are spent!
Read Liz’s full bio.