06 Oct

Margaret Roy

Senior Consultant

Contact via Email

Areas of Expertise: Ecological risk assessments (ERAs), human health risk assessments (HHRAs), site inspections, vapor intrusion modeling, toxicity testing, ecological services analysis (ESA), National Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA), Damage Assessment and Restoration Plans (DARPs)

Education/Certifications: Master of Science degree in Environmental Science and Bachelor of Science degree in Microbiology, Louisiana State University

Margaret is a senior consultant and expert risk assessor specialized in ecological and health-based assessments. She has implemented ecological risk assessments (ERAs) and human health risk assessments (HHRAs) under a variety of state and EPA programs, with emphasis on the Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP). Her experience with HHRAs ranges in complexity from preliminary assessments/site inspection (PA/SI) screening assessments to multi-media/multi receptor baseline assessments, including vapor intrusion (VI) modeling.

Margaret has worked extensively with EPA’s Superfund ERA Guidance, including field studies. She has experience in the use of site-specific tissue sampling, toxicity testing, and bio-uptake studies. She is well-versed in application of an Ecological Services Analysis (ESA) as a remedy under TRRP that leaves contaminants in place but provides ecological compensation. In addition, Margaret has experience with the Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) process with both state and federal trustees, including writing Damage Assessment and Restoration Plans (DARPs). Margaret currently supports a KTL prime contract to perform pesticide HHERAs for the U.S. Forest Service.

Prior to her specialization in risk assessment, Margaret began her career developing a microbiology lab to support bioremediation projects. After five years in the lab, she moved into the risk assessment arena. She has been a reviewer for HHRAs and ERAs in EPA Region 5, has conducted HHRA activities for the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), and has supported Natural Resource Damage Assessment (NRDA) and ERA projects for companies including EnSafe Inc., Parsons, and INTERA.

Examples of relevant risk assessment experience include the following:

  • Human Health and Ecological Risk Review for Pesticides, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service (FS)
  • Human Health Risk Assessor, Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Yuma Arizona – Work Plan for Assessment of Polyfluoroalkyl Substances, Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southwest
  • Human and Ecological Risk Assessor, Death Valley National Park – Site Inspections on Abandoned Mineral Lands Sites, National Parks Service (NPS)
  • Ecological Risk Assessment Support to Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ)
  • Human Health Risk Assessor, San Carlos Irrigation Project Maintenance Yard PCB Site, Coolidge Arizona, BIA
  • Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessor, Tenaha Wood Treating State Superfund Site, Shelby County, Texas

Margaret is a Diplomate in the International Board of Environmental Risk Assessors, a member of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) and Association for Environmental Health and Science (AEHS). She is also an applicant for membership to the National Roster of Environmental Conflict Resolution Professionals. Margaret has her M.S. in Environmental Science and B.S. in Microbiology from Louisiana State University. Recent publications have included the following:

Roy, M. “Status of Ecological Risk Assessment in Texas: On-Line Tools for Project Planning, Assessment and Decision Making.” Presented at Texas Association of Environmental Professionals (TAEP) monthly meeting and presentation. Houston, Texas. November 16, 2017.

Champagne, L. (TCEQ), Roy, M. and J. Rogers (WTAMU). “Ecological Risk Assessment and Database: Restructured and in Review.” Presented at Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Environmental Trade Fair. May 2015.
