Kestrel Tellevate News
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Southern Region Meeting: February 24-26, 2020
KTL is looking forward to seeing many NACD member companies at the NACD Southern Region Meeting in Savannah, GA February 24-26. It’s always such a great time to gain great insights from the NACD speakers, touch base with you on the latest happenings in your organization, and continue our conversations about your business and compliance needs.
Jake Taylor, KTL’s Responsible Distribution Adviser, will be available throughout the meeting to talk more about how KTL can help chemical distributors more effectively manage management system requirements (e.g., Responsible Distribution, ISO 9001) and ongoing EHS&S and food safety compliance obligations.
Spring Regulatory & Responsible Distribution Workshop: March 10-12, 2020
Plus, save the date for the NACD Spring Regulatory & Responsible Distribution Workshop this March in Long Beach, CA. The 2020 Regulatory Workshop focuses on International Trade for Chemical Distributors on March 10.
Attention turns to Responsible Distribution March 11-12. There are many great sessions planned for new and experienced NACD members, including KTL’s interactive session on Thursday, March 12 from 9:15-10:15: Digging Up the Roots! Root Cause Analysis Review and Exercise. Jake Taylor will be guiding participants through properly identifying root causes using real-world examples from 6th cycle non-conformance findings.