Tech Corner: Power Automate Tasks

07 Mar
process automation

Technology Enabled Business Solutions

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Functionality: What does it do?

As part of Microsoft’s Power Platform®, Power Automate® is a workflow automation tool used to automate repetitive tasks and workflows. The purpose of workflow automation tools is to streamline manual processes and tasks in order to maximize company time and resources, increase operational efficiency, and improve overall business productivity.

Common Power Automate tasks include the following:

  • Notifications: This can be as simple as creating a notification when something is submitted or changed or setting alerts to act according to a designated schedule (e.g., seven days before due date).
  • Approvals: Documents and list items can be routed to specific individuals by email with a simple button to approve or decline and then automatically move along to the next step in the process.
  • Document Management: Email attachments can be automatically added to OneDrive® or SharePoint; metadata (e.g., time/date, sender, and email body) can also be added.
  • Form Processing: Form processing can automatically create ID numbers for list items to help with tracking. In addition, data from one form can be used to populate multiple lists. For example, entering data into a customer feedback form includes a checkbox asking if it requires a corrective and preventive action (CAPA). If so, relevant data from the feedback form populates a new entry in the CAPA list.
  • Records Management: When a record is created, the retention period can be added. When the retention period expires, the record is then automatically archived or deleted.
  • Calendar Management: With calendar management, you can do things like email yourself a list of your calendar entries daily or weekly, email reminders for any calendar entries you have not yet responded to, and create Outlook events or meetings from a Power App® button.
  • Data Management: Large data sets can be transferred easily from Microsoft Excel® to SharePoint. Data can also be manipulated, cleaned, or transformed during or after the transfer.

Benefits: Why do you need it?

  • Fewer mistakes. Replacing manual data entry with automation reduces opportunities for human error and the potential mistakes, inaccuracies, and costs that can accompany it.
  • Streamlined processes. Workflow automation creates more efficiency by automatically making assignments and moving projects/documents/tasks along in the process. It is also easier to track and manage processes and performance when all steps are in Power Automate.
  • Improved productivity. Automating manual tasks frees up time and resources to focus attention elsewhere. Being able to easily track a project or process through an automated system can further improve productivity and ensure tasks are completed as planned.
  • Enhanced collaboration and accountability. A clearly designed workflow helps ensure all employees understand the process and their role in it. A common system further enables cross-functional collaboration and improves accountability.
  • Informed business decisions. Power Automate offers real-time reporting and performance metrics that can be used to inform decisions and modify processes to enhance performance.

Technology Used

Microsoft Power Automate
