Companies of all sizes face operational risks and challenges. KTL (Kestrel Tellevate LLC) is a multidisciplinary consulting firm that specializes in providing environmental, occupational health and safety, food safety, and qualitymanagement and compliance consulting services to help industry and government clients address these risks.

Our primary focus is to build strong, long-term client partnerships and provide tailored solutions to address regulatory compliance requirements. KTL’s services include auditing and assessments, management system development and implementation, certification support, regulatory compliance assistance, information management solutions, and risk management and process improvement.

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Tech Corner: Power Automate Tasks

Functionality: What does it do? As part of Microsoft’s Power Platform®, Power Automate® is a workflow automation tool used to automate repetitive tasks and workflows. The purpose of workflow automation tools is to streamline manual processes and tasks in order to maximize company time and resources, increase operational efficiency, and improve overall business productivity. Common…

KTL Consultant Meghan Stenslien Becomes CEA

Consultant Meghan Stenslien has become KTL’s newest Certified Environmental Auditor (CEA). Meghan has completed all experience and eligibility requirements—including recently passing the rigorous National Registry of Environmental Professionals (NREP) CEA exam. The CEA certification is a specialty certification program intended for professionals conducting environmental compliance and risk audits of operating facilities, related equipment and ongoing…

Preventing Foodborne Illness and Avoiding Recalls

The U.S. experienced several high-profile food recalls in 2024 that have caused illnesses and deaths—and heightened public awareness and unease. The emergence of new bacterial and viral strains and the evolution of pathogens that are becoming resistant to traditional food safety measures are growing concerns when it comes to preventing foodborne illnesses. According to the…