
21 Sep
Amendments to SQF V9: Effective October 4, 2021

In October 2020, the Safe Quality Food Institute (SQFI) published SQF Codes Edition 9 (SQF V9) as the most recent edition of the SQF Food Safety Codes. SQF V9 is comprised of 13 industry-specific codes that provide step-by-step instruction for production and manufacturing sites to become SQF certified. This certification is recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and showcases certified sites’ commitment to a culture of food safety and operational excellence in food safety management. Implementation of SQF V9 is effective as of May 24, 2021.

In August 2021, SQFI introduced four code amendments to this most recent edition. These amendments are required to be implemented along with applicable SQF V9 codes by October 4, 2021, and will be audited accordingly. A summary of the amendments is included below:

Medical ScreeningRequires a medical screening procedure for all employees, visitors, and contractors who handle exposed product or food contact surfaces.Personnel Hygiene and Welfare,;;;;;;
Approved SuppliersRequires all approved and emergency suppliers to be registered and all registers to be complete, including supplier contact details.2.3.3 in the Primary Food Safety codes; 2.3.4 in all other codes except Storage and Distribution
Multi-site ProgramRequires sub-sites within an SQF multi-site program to operate in only the following food sector categories: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (primary) and 26 (storage and distribution).Appendix 4
Application of Agricultural ChemicalsRequires the code apply to the person applying chemicals, as well as the person making decisions on chemical application.,,,

SQFI has a number of resources and guidance documents available to help ensure compliance with these amendments and the other requirements of SQF V9.

23 Aug
EPA Enforcement: Ammonia Refrigeration

Over the past several months, we have seen an uptick in Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) enforcement actions and large penalties for violations related to anhydrous ammonia storage, risk management, and chemical accident prevention planning. These include the following recent penalties:

Many of these violations have been uncovered as part of a National Compliance Initiative (NCI), which focuses on reducing risk to human health and the environment by decreasing the likelihood of accidental releases at facilities. According to EPA, there are approximately 150 catastrophic accidents each year at facilities that make, use, or store extremely hazardous substances (EHS). With ammonia refrigeration making up approximately 40% of the facilities with EHS regulated under the EPA’s Risk Management Program, these facilities have become a clear target for EPA.

Chemical Accident Prevention Program

Anhydrous ammonia is classified as an EHS that presents a significant health hazard if accidentally released. Anhydrous ammonia is corrosive to skin, eyes, and lungs. Exposure to 300 ppm is immediately dangerous to life and health. It is also flammable at concentrations of about 15-28% by volume in air.

To help refrigeration facilities comply with Clean Air Act (CAA) requirements and prevent accidents that could result in these significant hazards, EPA’s NCI is working to enforce the following regulatory aspects of the CAA’s Chemical Accident Prevention Program:

  • Risk Management Plan (RMP) regulations (40 CFR Part 68)
  • General Duty Clause (GDC) (CAA Section 112(r))
  • Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) (CAA Section 312)
  • Process Safety Management (PSM) regulations (29 CFR 1910.119)

Risk Management Plan (RMP)

EPA’s RMP regulations require facilities that have more than a threshold quantity of certain regulated chemicals in a process (e.g., use or storage) to develop a Risk Management Program. CAA designates anhydrous ammonia as a regulated substance under RMP with a threshold quantity of 10,000 lbs.

Recent cases have demonstrated that refrigeration facilities may not be fully implementing RMPs, despite requirements. Facilities subject to RMP must:

  • Analyze the worst-case release scenario to determine the potential effects of a release.
  • Implement a prevention program that includes safety precautions, as well as maintenance, monitoring, and employee training.
  • Complete a five-year accident history.
  • Coordinate response actions with the local emergency response agencies through an Emergency Response Program.
  • Submit to EPA a written RMP that summarizes the Risk Management Program.

General Duty Clause (GDC)

The GDC requires that owners and operators of facilities with regulated substances and other EHS in any quantity ensure those chemicals are managed safely. Unlike RMP, GDC applies to many chemicals and applies facility-wide, regardless of the amount of chemical stored. Facilities are responsible for:

  • Identifying the hazards posed by chemicals and assessing impacts of possible releases.
  • Designing and maintaining a safe facility to prevent accidental release.
  • Minimizing the consequences of accidental releases that do occur.

The EPA NCI focuses specifically on the “identifying hazards” component of GDC, particularly at ammonia refrigeration facilities using 1,000 lbs. to 10,000 lbs. of anhydrous ammonia (i.e., those that fall below the RMP threshold).

Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know (EPCRA)

Section 312 of EPCRA requires facilities to report the presence of certain chemicals, including anhydrous ammonia, to Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) and response agencies. The purpose is to ensure emergency responders know what chemicals are onsite should they need to respond to an incident.

Any facility that is required to maintain Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for hazardous chemicals stored or used onsite must submit an annual Tier II inventory report for those chemicals. Tier II forms require basic facility identification information, employee contact information (emergency and non-emergency), information about chemicals stored/used at the facility, and additional data elements that would be useful to LEPCs and first responders.

Process Safety Management (PSM)

PSM regulations require facilities to prevent or minimize the consequences of catastrophic releases of toxic, reactive, flammable, or explosive chemicals. While PSM is not an EPA regulation, the Occupational Health and Safety Administration’s (OSHA) program is closely related to EPA’s RMP program. RMP is intended to protect the environment and the community; PSM is an occupational health program intended to protect workers. Applicability thresholds differ for RMP and PSM for some chemicals; however, the PSM and RMP thresholds for anhydrous ammonia are the same—10,000 lbs.

PSM establishes a comprehensive management program made up of 14 elements. The process hazard analysis is the key provision of the standard, as it is intended to identify, evaluate, and control the hazards involved in the process.

Additional Enforcement Focused on Process Startup

In February 2021, EPA issued a new Enforcement Alert, “Risk of Chemical Accidents During Process Startup.” According to the alert, the U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) has noted that a disproportionate number of accidents occur during startup or other nonroutine operations.

Given this recent Alert, EPA cites that the following provisions of the RMP regulations are particularly important to prevent accidents during process startup:

  • Operating procedures that provide clear instructions for safely conducting activities involved in each covered process.
  • Training so each employee involved in operating a process is familiar with operating procedures, safety and health hazards, emergency operations, and safe work practices.
  • Pre-startup review to ensure construction and equipment is functioning according to design specifications and that safety, operating, maintenance, and emergency procedures are in and place and adequate.

Avoiding Enforcement: Hazard Analysis

As part of the NCI, EPA has been sending Information Requests to select facilities that it believes may be out of compliance with GDC. Again, the primary focus of those Information Requests includes those facilities with 1,000 lbs. to 10,000 lbs. of anhydrous ammonia onsite. Facilities are required to answer four questions about their ammonia refrigeration systems, including whether they have performed a process hazard review.

EPA is focusing heavily on the first duty of the GDC (i.e., hazard review) as it evaluates facilities for violations. An EPA Enforcement Alert on anhydrous ammonia at refrigeration facilities from February 2015 reinforces that identifying the hazards of a facility’s refrigeration systems is crucial to accident prevention and compliance. This involves identifying and inventorying every chemical onsite, understanding the associated hazards of each chemical, and making sure employees and local responders know what to do in case of an accident. Part of this analysis should also include addressing potential gaps between new industry codes and standards and the standards to which the facility was built (e.g., facility upgrades).

If your facility uses anhydrous ammonia and you have not conducted a hazard analysis, you are at significant risk of incurring enforcement actions of fines. It is important you invest the time and resources required to:

  • Understand the hazards posed by chemicals at the facility.
  • Assess the impacts of a potential release.
  • Design and maintain a safe facility to prevent accidental releases.
  • Coordinate with local emergency responders.
  • Minimize the consequences of accidental releases that do occur.

KTL has experience working with a broad cross-section of industries impacted by PSM, RMP, GDC, and EPCRA, particularly chemical and food processing companies. We have created RMP and GDC audit protocols, conducted audits, and implemented investigation/improvement programs following significant release events. In addition, our team provides Tier II and TRI reporting, writes plans for OSHA and Emergency Response, and routinely works with LEPCs to coordinate emergency response efforts and exercises to keep communities informed and safe. Our team has helped many companies keep operations safe and compliant—and avoid EPA enforcement.


28 Jul
FDA’s Focus on Food Traceability

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 48 million Americans—about one in six—get sick with a foodborne illness every year. Of that number, CDC estimates 128,000 end up hospitalized and 3,000 will die from a foodborne disease. Correspondingly, consumers rank safety higher than anything else (e.g., affordability, healthful eating) when selecting a restaurant. Consumers want—and need—to know more about their food. 

It is not surprising, given this information, that improving food traceability is a key objective for the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA). Food traceability is the ability to track any food through all stages of the supply chain—production, processing, distribution—to ensure food safety and operational efficiency. Over the past year, the Agency has launched three major initiatives to create safer and more traceable food supply chain.  

Read KTL’s recent article in Food Safety Magazine about these initiatives and FDA’s focus on food traceability.

19 May
Food Safety Magazine Article: Food Remote Audits

Audits provide an essential tool for improving and verifying compliance performance. Audits may be used to capture regulatory compliance status (e.g., FDA, USDA); certification system conformance (e.g., FSSC 22000, SQF, IFS, BRC); and adequacy of internal controls, potential risks, and best practices.

Most regulations, standards, and certification programs require audits to be conducted with some established frequency. For many food companies, figuring out how to meet these audit requirements amongst travel restrictions, new company safety protocol, and government quarantines related to COVID-19 has presented a significant challenge.

The Online Alternative

Fortunately, the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and the benchmarked certification schemes have responded to this challenge, recognizing that online/remote/virtual audits can offer a viable alternative to onsite audits—even when companies are not operating in a pandemic.

Read KTL’s recent article in Food Safety Magazine about remote food safety auditing and best practices for doing it right.

19 Apr
Demonstrating Compliance in a Socially Distanced World

Don’t miss this free American Bar Association event on April 22, 2021 — Demonstrating Compliance in a Socially Distanced World: Virtual Auditing.

In the time of COVID-19, virtual auditing has become increasingly necessary and valuable to organizations as they seek to achieve environmental compliance while facing worldwide travel restrictions and remote work policies that have disrupted routine in-person audits. With this shift, comes the need for both regulated entities and regulators to develop new approaches and procedures to ensure the effectiveness of audits conducted remotely. Practitioners, including auditors and legal counsel, must consider new dynamics related to security, data protection, and audit integrity-on top of the usual audit considerations. This session will highlight some of these new challenges and provide real-world solutions to aid attendees form new practice skills to apply in the (virtual) field.

Panelists–including KTL’s Sarah Burton–will explore the new world of remote auditing, focusing on real-world solutions to the challenges that virtual auditing presents.

Register online.

05 Apr
Food Safety Tech Article: Integrated Food CMS

Managing the complexities of a management system is challenging for any food and beverage company, particularly for the team tasked with implementing the system throughout the organization. That is because every regulatory agency (e.g., FDA, USDA, OSHA, EPA) and voluntary certification (e.g., GFSI-benchmarked standards, gluten-free, organic, ISO) calls for companies to fulfill compliance requirements—many of which overlap. Supply chain and internal requirements can create further complications and confusion.

In today’s “New Era of Smarter Food Safety,” having a common system to organize, manage and track compliance offers an ideal solution. Dynamic tools are becoming available—systems that can manage employee training, pest control, laboratory testing, supply chain management tools, regulatory compliance and certification requirements, etc.

Unfortunately, these systems are often not set up to “talk” to each other, leaving company representatives to navigate many systems, databases, folders, and documents housed in many different locations.

The Solution: Compliance Management Systems

An integrated compliance management system (CMS) is intended to bring all these tools together to create one system that effectively manages compliance requirements, enables staff to carry out daily tasks and manage operations, and supports operational decision making by tracking and trending data that is collected daily by the team charged with implementation.

Read KTL’s recent article and case study in Food Safety Tech about how a  CMS can be used to coordinate, organize, control, analyze, and visualize information to help organizations remain in compliance and operate efficiently.

25 Feb
IFS Food V7: Creating a Food Safety Culture

The International Featured Standards (IFS) are “uniform food, product, and service standards that ensure certified companies produce a product or provide a service that complies with customer specifications, while continually working on process improvement.”

There are currently six standards under IFS, including the most recent IFS Food Standard Version 7 (IFS Food V7), which was issued in October 2020. Recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) as a benchmarked standard for auditing food manufacturers, IFS Food focuses on ensuring food safety and quality.

V7 Changes

The new IFS Food V7 reduces the number of requirements by 15% and provides additional clarity for auditors when performing an IFS assessment through the following changes:

  • Risk-based and less prescriptive approach that allows for customized solutions for company-specific risks and hazards
  • New wording that changes “audit” to “assessment” to create consistency with ISO/IEC 17065
  • New structure that emphasizes onsite evaluation over documentation
  • Better defined scoring system and a more clearly structured assessment report
  • Unannounced assessments (every third certification)
  • Checklist that aligns with the GFSI Benchmarking Requirements Version 2020, Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), and European Union (EU) regulations
  • Incorporation of food safety culture into assessments

IFS Food V7 is scheduled for implementation with audits beginning March 1, 2021 and will become mandatory for all certified companies on July 1, 2021.

Focus on Food Safety Culture

One notable change with IFS Food V7 is the incorporation of food safety culture into requirements. This is in line with the addition of food safety culture into GFSI Benchmarking Requirements Version 2020. It also relates directly to one of the core elements of the U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s (FDA) New Era of Smarter Food Safety, which promotes food safety culture throughout the food system.

Per IFS, “Food safety culture refers to shared values, beliefs, and norms that affect mindset and behaviour toward food safety in, across, and throughout an organization.”

Informally, food safety culture can be thought of as “the way we do things around here” when it comes to food safety practices. An organization’s food safety culture is ultimately reflected in the way food safety is managed in the workplace. A strong food safety culture creates an atmosphere where everyone in the organization is aware of and helps to prevent any process and/or operational issues and deviations that my impact the safety and/or quality of their products.

Characteristics of a Strong Food Safety Culture

Per IFS Food V7, food safety culture should be driven by four primary elements:

  • Communication about food safety policies and responsibilities
  • Training
  • Employee feedback
  • Performance measurement

Best-in-class food safety cultures have robust systems in place to ensure that each of these elements, among others, is well-functioning and fully ingrained into the standard practices of the organization. KTL has found that organizations with strong food safety cultures typically exhibit many of the following attributes:

  • Communication. Communication is most effective when it comprises a combination of top-down and bottom-up interaction. All levels of management (senior, middle, supervisory) are responsible for clearly communicating to the workers who carry out the company’s mission. It is equally important that workers provide feedback on a practical level about what’s working and what’s not.
  • Commitment. When it comes to food safety, actions truly speak louder than words. A lack of commitment, as demonstrated by action (or lack thereof), comes across loud and clear to staff.
  • Caring. Caring involves showing concern for the personal safety of individuals (employees and consumers), not just making a commitment to the overall idea of food safety.
  • Cooperation.  Cooperation means working together to develop a strong food safety program. It means management seeks feedback from workers about food safety issues—and uses that feedback to make improvements.
  • Coaching. Coaching each other—peer to peer, supervisor to employee, even employee to management—is an important way to keep everyone on track, generate constructive criticism, and foster a truly collaborative atmosphere regarding food safety.
  • Procedures. There should be documented, clear procedures for every task. This not only prevents disagreement about what is required, it also shows commitment when things are put in writing.
  • Training. Training is a more formal, documented process for ensuring that employees follow food safety processes and procedures and feel prepared to do their jobs.
  • Tools. All equipment and tools should be in good repair and functioning as designed. Inadequate equipment/tools directly impact food safety/protection and indirectly impact perception of management commitment.
  • Personnel. There must be enough qualified workers to perform each task. The company must not sacrifice food safety or quality because of being understaffed (i.e., requiring shortcuts/overtime to meet production goals).
  • Trust. Trust in the food safety program, in senior management, and in each other is built when each of these characteristics is present and treated as a company-wide priority.

Planning for Change

For companies that are IFS-certified, now is the ideal time to assess current IFS Food program elements; identify improvements that are internally desirable and required by the new standard; and implement those updates that will create a strong food safety culture and make the IFS Food program more useful to the business. This can be done through a series of phases to ensure adoption throughout the organization.

  • Phase 1: IFS Food Internal Assessment – Review existing IFS food programs, processes, and procedures; document management systems; and employee training tools and programs to identify those need areas in need of updates, development, and/or implementation to meet the requirements of IFS Food V7.
  • Phase 2: IFS Food Program Updates – Based on the assessment, develop a plan for updating the IFS Food certification program, including major activities, key milestones, and expected outcomes. This may include updating/developing IFS Food programs, processes, procedures, and training with missing V7 requirements and incorporating new food safety culture requirements.
  • Phase 3: Training – To ensure staff are prepared to implement and sustain the updated IFS Food V7 program, staff must be trained on applicable requirements; specific plans, procedures, and GMPs developed to achieve compliance; and the certification roadmap to prepare for future assessments.

Following this plan now will help companies ensure they maintain their IFS Food certification when assessments begin under IFS Food V7 in March 2021.


The IFS website has several comprehensive resources available to assist facilities and auditors in understanding the IFS Food V7 changes and requirements, including:

25 Feb
From Paper Management to Digital Management

Virtually every regulatory agency (e.g., EPA, OSHA, FDA, USDA) and voluntary certification standard (e.g., ISO, GFSI, organic) has compliance requirements that call for companies to fulfill several common compliance activities. KTL has outlined eight compliance functions that can be instrumental in improving a company’s capability to comply. One very important compliance function involves records and document management.

Records provide documentation of what has been done related to compliance—current inventories, plans, management systems, training, inspections, and monitoring required for a given compliance or certification program. Each program typically has recordkeeping, records maintenance, and retention requirements specified by type. Having a good records management system is essential for maintaining the vast number of documents required by regulations and standards, particularly since some, like OSHA have retention cycles for as long as 30 years.

Moving Away from Paper Recordkeeping

Organizing and maintaining the records can create challenges—where to store them, security levels, remote and local accessibility, etc. Supply chain requirements can further add to the cumbersome workload of collecting, reviewing, and sharing documents and information.

Companies have been keeping records and documents in binders and file cabinets for years. And while that system can work, many dynamic tools are available to alleviate some of these challenges and support organizational decision-making. A document management system can help create:

  • Process and document standardization
  • Central and secure storage, organization, and access to documents and records locally or remotely
  • Improved document searchability and accessibility
  • Enhanced workflows for approving and completing tasks involving documents
  • Easy access to documents for audits and clear audit trail, particularly for remote audits
  • Version control and history
  • Reduced paperwork
  • Higher quality data due to reduced human error
  • Improved collaboration
  • Improved security of sensitive documents

All of which lead to consistent, efficient, and reliable compliance performance.

Transitioning Your Records

Transitioning from a paper-based recordkeeping system to an electronic document management system can seem overwhelming, particularly given the sheer volume of documents some organizations have. However, following a step-by-step approach—and considering the desired end product from the start—can help ensure that organizations end up with a system that will function well within the business context and provide ongoing compliance efficiency.

Step 1. Assess Current Documents and Processes

The first step is to identify where all your documents reside and how you are currently managing and organizing those documents. Additionally, an assessment of the documents themselves should be conducted to evaluate if they are still current, if they are in line with the processes and procedures they are intended to monitor, and if they are collecting all the required information. 

Where are documents stored? What is electronic vs. paper? Are documents sorted by necessity, date, version, compliance area? What processes are currently in place for creating, managing, and storing documents? Where are the inefficiencies in adequately managing documents and records? If there are multiple systems, are they working together? 

The goal of this step is to get a good handle on the current state of your documents and systems so you can move onto step 2, which will be to define the desired state of your document management system. 

Step 2. Define Document Management System

Before building the system, you must define your ultimate desired end state. In a perfect world, how would the document management system operate? What parts and components would it have? How would things work together? At this point, you must consider the immediate need (i.e., document management) within the context of the overall business need. The idea is to align the document management system with any overall compliance management system (CMS). This requires a genuine understanding of both daily routines and the big picture.  

Bring together key stakeholders to discuss their objectives, review the current state, and evaluate industry best practices. While it is necessary to get senior management buy-in and to understand the business needs, it is equally important to understand the routine activities and tasks of the people who will use the system in a daily basis. The system must be designed with all these users in mind—the end user entering data in the field, management who is reading reports and metrics, system administrator, office staff, etc.  

Step 3. Gather Documents and Populate System

This step can involve significant resources depending on the volume of documents, so taking a phased approach can make it more manageable. It often makes sense to start where you already have processes and document storage systems in place that can be more easily transitioned into a new document management system to encourage user buy-in. Priorities should be set based on ease of implementation, compliance risk, business improvement, and value to the company.

Step 4. Determine Access and Train

The only way to ensure employees will correctly use the document management system is to provide adequate training. Define who needs access to the various parts of the system and what everyone’s roles and responsibilities are. Every employee who will touch the system should receive hands-on training to teach them how to correctly use the system to create efficiencies.

Step 5. Conduct an Annual Internal Audit and Document Review

Audits offer a systematic, objective tool to assess compliance across the workplace and to identify any opportunities for improvement. Audits may be used to capture regulatory compliance status, certification system conformance, adequacy of internal controls, potential risks, and best practices.

An internal audit of the document management system provides a valuable way to communicate performance to decision-makers and key stakeholders. This final step is an important one, because it will help ensure that:

  • The organization is getting the most out of its document management system.
  • The system and associated processes are operating as intended.
  • Data can be used for trending and predictive analytics to better inform business decision-making.
  • Ongoing opportunities for improvement in document organization and processes are identified and implemented.
  • Efficiencies in business operations and overall compliance management—including remote access and remote auditing—are fully realized.
17 Feb
Validation vs. Verification: What’s the Difference?

To ensure a sound Hazard Analysis and Critical Controls Points (HACCP) Plan, companies must confirm the Plan is adequate for controlling food safety hazards through the process of validation and verification.

According to 9 CFR 417.4 a, “Every establishment shall validate the HACCP Plan’s adequacy in controlling the food safety hazards identified during the hazard analysis and shall verify that the Plan is being effectively implemented.” HACCP Principle 6—Establish Verification Procedures—further emphasizes the importance of establishing activities that determine the validity of the HACCP Plan and verify that the system is operating according to the Plan.

Based on these requirements, verification and validation seem quite similar. In practice, however, verification and validation are distinct functions that are both critical for compliance with U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations. In short, verification is focused on the implementation of the plan, while validation is focused on its accuracy. You cannot validate a process until you verify the process is consistently following the plan and operating as intended. 

Validation: Proof the Plan Is Effective

Validation demonstrates and documents that the HACCP system works to address significant hazards​. It provides proof that the Plan is effective. The purpose of validation is to demonstrate that the HACCP system, as designed, will adequately control identified hazards to produce a safe, unadulterated product. Following completion of the hazard analysis and development of the HACCP Plan, establishments enter the 90-day period of initial validation, where the validity of the HACCP system is checked. Is the Plan working to achieve its intended goal?

Validation involves gathering data over time to confirm something is operating as intended. It relies heavily on using scientific data from journals; in-plant observations, measurements, and evaluations; and expert advice. According to the National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF), “Validation is the element of verification that focuses on collecting and evaluating scientific and technical information to determine if the HACCP Plan, when properly implemented, will effectively control the identified hazards.”

For example, validation of Critical Control Points (CCPs) may involve reviewing trends over the year, customer complaints, equipment issues, etc. to determine whether the process is working. To validate a temperature selected for heating food to remove harmful bacteria, a facility may cite scientific journals and studies.

Both USDA and FDA require validation of the food safety system to document scientific support for CCP or process preventive control critical limits. USDA further requires internal validation of the CCPs and critical operational parameters used in key prerequisite programs (PRPs). It is important companies use scientific evidence (e.g., microbiological test results, validation studies) to the extent possible to demonstrate hazards are effectively controlled.

Verification: Proof the Plan Is Followed as Written

Verification establishes the accuracy or truth of something—in other words, proof that the HACCP Plan is being followed as written. ​It answers the question, “Are we actually doing what we say we are going to do?” For example, if the Plan says that a food will be heated to a certain temperature to kill harmful bacteria, verification will test that the food actually reaches that temperature.

The purpose of verification is to confirm that the HACCP system is continually functioning as intended. Following the 90-day period of initial validation, monitoring and verification activities are performed to ensure the HACCP system continues to be implemented properly. These activities should be scheduled as needed (i.e., daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually) and conducted by designated, trained employees.​

Regular audits of the HACCP Plan further ensure that it is being followed correctly. This is particularly important if any aspect of the company’s procedure, process, or ingredients has changed or a new product has been added to production.

HACCP Principle 6 outlines four elements for verification:

  1. CCP Verification
  2. Overall Food Safety System Verification
  3. Food Safety System Validation
  4. Regulatory Verification

In addition, both USDA and FDA require verification of the overall food safety system. USDA requires reassessments to be performed annually to verify the HACCP Plan. FDA requires reanalysis to be performed at least every three years to verify the Food Safety Plan.

There are some common verification activities to ensure food manufacturing facilities meet these requirements:

  • Document review, including HACCP Plan and related policies, plans, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs), standard operating procedures (SOPs), equipment and product specifications, processing rates, inspection records, supplier information, etc.
  • Facility walk-through to review operations and observe specific processes and equipment, as needed
  • Evaluation of current Food Safety Management System (FSMS) elements
  • Food Safety Plan review
  • Review of PRPs (e.g., sanitation, allergen controls, traceability)
  • Environmental monitoring and product testing
  • Confirmation that the CCPs and other preventive controls are implemented and effective
  • Direct observations of CCP monitoring activities
  • Calibration of equipment

Validation and verification are important components of any food safety system. They provide proof that the HACCP Plan is not only effective, but also being followed and working as intended. Validation and verification ensure the Plan is a living, breathing document that is used daily to ensure the food safety system complies with both USDA and FDA regulations and, more importantly, works to prevents foodborne illness. 

10 Dec
SQF V9: Planning for Changes

The Safe Quality Food (SQF) Program is a rigorous food safety and quality program. Recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), the SQF codes are designed to meet industry, customer, and regulatory requirements for all sectors of the food supply chain. SQF certification showcases certified sites’ commitment to a culture of food safety and operational excellence in food safety management.

In May 2021, SQF will be releasing Edition 9 (SQF V9) to align the code with the latest GFSI benchmarking criteria, updated regulatory requirements, and scientific changes. According to the SQF Institute, SQF V9 is designed to help certified sites meet and exceed all industry, customer, and regulatory requirements so they can remain competitive across sectors. V9 is scheduled for implementation with audits beginning May 24, 2021.

Significant Changes

The SQF V9 changes are broken down into two categories of changes:

Structural Changes

  • Development of Custom Codes for certain industry-specific sectors (livestock, animal feed, petfood, aquaculture, dietary supplements)
  • Streamlined technical elements to reduce redundancy in the following sections:
    • Site location and operation
    • Food safety culture
    • Chemical storage
    • Personal hygiene
    • Specifications
    • Training

Technical Changes

  • GFSI benchmarking requirement updates, including changes to:
    • Food safety culture requirements
    • Internal laboratory requirements
    • HACCP plan requirements for storage and distribution
    • Remote activities requirements
  • SQF stakeholder feedback updates, including changes to:
    • Co-manufacturers’ requirements
    • Ambient air testing requirement
    • Audit scoring

New or updated concepts that present some of the greatest changes under SQF V9 include the following:

  • Food Safety Culture Requirements: Senior leadership is required to lead and support a food safety culture within the site.
  • Additional Training Requirements: Training requirements are now defined for sampling and test methods, environmental monitoring, allergen management, food defense, and food fraud for all relevant staff.
  • Labeling Requirements: Updates to Product Identification Section now emphasize labeling requirements and checks during operations and require the implementation of procedures to ensure label use is reconciled.
  • Substitute SQF Practitioner: All sites are now required to have a designated substitute SQF Practitioner with HACCP training and competencies in maintaining the food safety plan and knowledge of the SQF Food Safety Code.

Planning for Change

For companies that are SQF-certified, now is the ideal time to assess current SQF program elements, identify improvements that are internally desirable and required by the new standard, and implement those updates that will make the SQF program more useful to the business. This can be done through a series of phases to ensure adoption throughout the organization.

Phase 1: SQF Assessment

An assessment should begin by reviewing the following:

  • Existing SQF programs, processes, and procedures
  • Existing document management systems
  • Employee training tools and programs

This documentation review and program assessment will help to identify elements of the existing SQF program that are acceptable, those that show opportunities for improvement, and those that may be missing, including those needed for development and implementation to meet the requirements of SQF V9.

Phase 2: SQF Program Updates

The assessment will inform a plan for updating the SQF certification program, including major activities, key milestones, and expected outcomes. Development/update activities included on the plan may include the following:

  • Updating current SQF programs, processes, and procedures with missing V9 requirements
  • Developing new SQF programs, processes, and procedures for additional V9 requirements
  • Updating training programs with any new and additional requirements
  • Revising document register to align with SQF V9 numbering changes
  • Updating records and forms with any new and additional requirements
  • Updating Food Safety Policy to include new food safety culture requirements

When implementing program updates, leveraging existing management system and certification program elements and utilizing proven approaches can greatly streamline the process.

Phase 3: Training

To ensure staff are prepared to implement and sustain the updated SQF V9 program, training is important. This includes training for affected staff on applicable requirements; specific plans, procedures, and GMPs developed to achieve compliance; and the certification roadmap to prepare for future audits.

Following this plan now will help companies ensure they maintain their SQF certification when audits begin under SQF V9 in May 2021–and that certification matters when it comes to meeting customer and regulatory requirements, protecting the company brand, and keeping consumers safe.
