
22 Mar
Q&A: Environmental Monitoring for Food Safety

When preparing for compliance and certification audits, environmental monitoring is an area where there are often questions: What are my requirements? How much do I need to do? What happens if I have a deviation? There are many intricacies associated with environmental monitoring that can depend largely on operational processes and compliance and certification requirements—many of which are not always clearly defined. KTL’s food safety experts offer their high-level perspective on some common questions regarding environmental monitoring.

What is environmental monitoring?

Environmental monitoring involves sampling and testing your facility’s environment for pathogens, spoilage and indicator organisms, and allergens to prevent foodborne illness. Environmental monitoring is typically done by swabbing various surfaces for pathogens and sending those samples to an accredited lab for analysis. This monitoring helps to 1) assess how effective the plant’s cleaning and sanitation programs are, and 2) determine whether any pathogens are living in the facility so it can respond accordingly (e.g., adjusting cleaning procedures, addressing personnel hygiene issues, etc.). 

What is an Environmental Monitoring Program (EMP)?

An EMP refers to an entire program for organizing the monitoring process to prevent pathogens—and foodborne illness—in finished product. The EMP helps to identify those areas where harmful microorganisms could be harboring in the facility and to implement and verify the effectiveness of pathogen controls (e.g., cleaning and sanitation procedures, sampling frequency and methodology, employee hygiene practices). Ultimately, the purpose of an effective EMP is to help a facility identify and implement strategies to eliminate pathogens and prevent their recurrence.

Who needs an EMP?

Certain foods are considered high risks for harboring pathogens and growing bacteria. These include beef, poultry, dairy, seafood/shellfish, ready-to-eat (RTE) food, baby food, leafy greens, and tree nuts. According to U.S. Public Health Service, the organisms in the table below—and their sources—are the biggest culprits of foodborne illness:

CampylobacterRaw and undercooked poultry and other meat, raw milk, and untreated water
Clostridium botulinumImproperly prepared home-canned foods
E. coli 0157:H7Beef, produce, raw milk, and unpasteurized juices and ciders
Listeria monocytogenesUnpasteurized dairy products, sliced deli meats, smoked fish, hot dogs, pate’, and deli-prepared salads
NorovirusAny food contaminated by someone who is infected with this virus
SalmonellaRaw and undercooked eggs, undercooked poultry and meat, fresh fruits and vegetables, and unpasteurized dairy products
Staphylococcus aureusCooked foods high in protein that are held too long at room temperature
ShigellaSalads, unclean water, and any food handled by someone who is infected with the bacterium
Toxoplasma gondiiRaw or undercooked pork
Vibrio vulnificusRaw or undercooked seafood, particularly shellfish

The kill step is the point in food manufacturing when dangerous pathogens are removed from the product. This is often done by killing pathogens through processes such as cooking, pasteurization, irradiation, and freezing. It is one of the most important steps in keeping food safe. The following questions can help determine whether an EMP may be necessary for your facility:

  • Does your process have a kill step that removes dangerous pathogens from the product?
  • Is your product exposed to the environment after the kill step and before packaging?
  • Does your product combine RTE products without including a kill step?

Why do I need an EMP?

From a compliance perspective, the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Final Rule for Preventive Controls for Human Food requires it: “A facility who has identified a potential environmental pathogen or indicator organism as a hazard to RTE foods is required to include an EMP in its Food Safety Plan. A trained Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PCQI) needs to review EMP test results to ensure that the Food Safety Plan is being followed.”

From a certification perspective, most Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) food safety certification schemes also require an EMP, and failure to have an effective program will result in a major non-conformance.

From a consumer protection perspective, environmental monitoring is intended to protect consumers by keeping harmful bacteria from contaminating the food we eat. An EMP can help serve as an early warning system for identifying a potential contaminant before it spreads throughout the facility and into food that reaches the consumer.

What does an EMP include?

EMP requirements are set forth by FDA and GFSI certification programs, but retailers and consumers may also have their own requirements that impact the food supply chain. According to FDA, a FSMA-compliant EMP should include:

  • Established, written, and scientifically valid procedures.
  • Identified testing microorganisms, adequate locations, and number of collection sites.
  • Identified timing and frequencies for collecting and testing samples.
  • Identified corrective action procedures in compliance with CFR 21 section 117.150.
  • Testing performed by an accredited laboratory.

An EMP should be tailored to the facility’s specific operations and food products; however, there are several steps that every program should include:

  • Perform a risk assessment. Determine the risks associated with the plant’s operations, including identifying high-risk foods and potential pathogens that could be present. The frequency of environmental monitoring will be determined by the hazards and risks identified.
  • Determine hygienic zones. An EMP should include sampling to assess activities, pathogens, associated risks, and mitigation options within the following zones (from highest to lowest risk):
    • Zone 1: Direct food contact services (e.g., counters, conveyers, utensils).
    • Zone 2: Indirect food contact surfaces that are close to food contact surfaces (e.g., crevices of equipment, drip shields).
    • Zone 3: Indirect food contact surfaces that are not close to food contact surfaces (e.g., walls, floors, drains).
    • Zone 4: Areas distant from food contact surfaces and processing areas (e.g., locker rooms, lunchrooms, offices).
  • Implement and manage testing protocols. Testing and sampling protocols should identify the frequency of sampling required (depending on risks), number of samples (depending on the facility size), timing of sampling (before/during/after production), person responsible for conducting sampling, and an accredited lab (ISO 17025) to use for testing, as needed. Some facilities may opt to conduct internal “rapid tests” at interim phases of production by trained staff to provide more immediate and cost-effective results and leave third-party lab testing for the final product. Regardless of whether testing is done internally or by a lab, an effective EMP will swab different sites each time to reduce the likelihood of contamination going undetected.
  • Develop corrective action procedures. Sampling is intended to identify high-risk areas. How an establishment responds to any findings—and how quickly—is critical. Potential corrective actions may include changing cleaning chemicals, increasing frequency of cleaning program, requiring uniforms, etc.
  • Verify and validate the EMP. Data, programs, and procedures should be regularly reviewed to ensure the EMP is serving its intended purpose. Verification provides proof the EMP is working; validation provides proof it is effective.

What do I do if I have a deviation?

The FDA anticipates that facilities with EMPs will occasionally detect environmental pathogens. If this happens, the facility should immediately enact the corrective actions outlined in the facility’s EMP (see above). This may include modifying cleaning and sanitation procedures, recleaning areas, conducting retesting, holding product, or even issuing a product recall.

It is important for facilities to remember that any environment has the potential to become contaminated with a pathogen. Never having a positive result for a common environmental pathogen might not necessarily mean that the EMP is “perfect;” rather, it might be a sign that the right areas are not being swabbed adequately. Keep in mind that any positive result offers an opportunity to improve the EMP and related cleaning/sanitation/hygiene procedures.

How can I prevent environmental pathogens?

There are a number of key actions food processors can undertake to prevent environmental pathogens from contaminating their facilities and food products:

  • Apply Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs). GMPs apply to EMPs, as with every other aspect of a strong food safety program. GMPs that will impact environmental monitoring results include employee hygiene practices, sanitary facility and equipment design, and cleaning and sanitation processes.
  • Evaluate, implement, and verify preventive controls. Identify your greatest risks for environmental pathogens, and proactively develop strategies to implement controls in your process flow. These may include controlling pedestrian walkways to avoid personnel contamination; using dedicated tools, equipment, and/or staff post-process; having special uniforms for staff, etc. Just as important, you must verify the performance of your preventive controls through environmental monitoring and take corrective action immediately if problems arise.
  • Ensure employees and other resources are qualified. Employees responsible for sanitation, sampling, and overseeing the EMP must have the necessary training and/or experience for assigned duties. In addition, any outside labs used for environmental testing must be accredited under ISO 17025.
  • Review and update the EMP. Products, operations, equipment, employees, processes, and other environmental factors change—and all of these can impact the EMP. Conducting periodic reviews to ensure processes and procedures reflect any new conditions is important in ensuring a facility’s overall hygiene and its products’ quality and safety.
16 Feb
One to Watch: FDA and CBD

With a rapidly growing market, pending regulatory action related to marketing cannabidiol (CBD) products is certainly an issue to watch. And the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) set the tone for 2023, issuing a decision on January 26, 2023, concluding that existing regulatory frameworks for food and dietary supplements are not appropriate for regulating CBD. Rather, the FDA press release states, “A new regulatory pathway for CBD is needed that balances individuals’ desire for access to CBD products with the regulatory oversight needed to manage risks.”

Regulating CBD Products

Products containing cannabis or cannabis-derived compounds are subject to the same requirements as FDA-regulated products containing any other substance. FDA has currently approved only one cannabis-derived and three cannabis-related drug products, all of which are only available with a prescription from a licensed healthcare provider. There are no other FDA-approved drug products that contain CBD. In addition, there are currently three generally recognized as safe (GRAS) notices for the following hemp seed-derived food ingredients: hulled hemp seed, hemp seed protein powder, and hemp seed oil. 

While the FDA recognizes the potential therapeutic benefits CBD could offer, the agency is committed to following the drug approval process to help ensure the safety and efficacy of any products derived from cannabis. The use of CBD in dietary supplements and food (both human and animal) raises a variety of safety concerns for the FDA—especially associated with long-term use and vulnerable populations (e.g., children, pregnant women)—that are not fully understood. As a result, the FDA’s internal working group concluded that “it is not apparent how CBD products could meet the safety standards for dietary supplements or food additives”:

  • Dietary Supplements. CBD products are excluded from the dietary supplement definition under section 201(ff)(3)(B) of the Food, Drug & Cosmetic (FD&C) Act [21 U.S.C. § 321(ff)(3)(B)]. This exclusion applies unless the FDA issues a regulation finding that the product would be lawful under the FD&C Act. To date, no such regulation has been issued for any CBD substance. All products that are marketed as dietary supplements must then comply with the regulations governing dietary supplement products, including current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs) and labeling.
  • Human and Animal Food Additives. It is a prohibited act to introduce or deliver for introduction into interstate commerce any food (i.e., human or animal) to which CBD has been added under FD&C Act [21 U.S.C. § 331(ll)].

Warning Letters

The FDA is concerned with the growing number of products containing CBD that are being marketed for therapeutic or medical uses without FDA approval. The agency has sent warning letters to companies illegally selling CBD products that claim to “prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure serious diseases,” as well as to companies that sell CBD-infused food and beverages (e.g., cookies, gummies, etc.). Until a regulatory framework is established, FDA will continue to act against CBD and other cannabis-derived products to protect the public.

New Regulatory Pathway

The FDA believes there is currently not adequate evidence to determine how much CBD can be consumed and for how long before causing harm, and the agency’s existing foods and dietary supplement authorities provide only limited tools for managing the potential risks associated with CBD products. As such, a new regulatory pathway would “benefit consumers by providing safeguards and oversight to manage and minimize risks related to CBD products for humans and animals.”

Risk management tools could include:

  • cGMPs
  • Clear labeling on products
  • Prevention of contaminants
  • CBD content limits
  • Measures to mitigate the risks of ingestion by children (e.g., minimum purchase age)

Many states are trying to close the gap the best they can by putting some regulations in place, but this is currently being done piecemeal. In addition, several organizations have launched cannabis standards and certifications—often based on the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and cGMPs—to improve the overall safety and quality of cannabis and cannabis-infused products in the market.

Companies getting involved in this growing industry need to stay on top of the rapidly changing regulatory environment. Take the time now to assess operations, determine what standards might be appropriate, identify gaps in existing programs, prepare for a new regulatory framework—state and/or federal—and begin implementing solutions to eliminate risks.

20 Jan
Food Safety Trends to Watch in 2023

A November 29, 2022, reader poll conducted by Quality Assurance & Food Safety Magazine identified the following top food safety concerns for 2023: 25% recalls, 25% traceability, 25% supplier/supply chain issues, 12% labor shortages, 12% something else.

Over the past few years, KTL has seen many of these concerns—and others—present challenges across the food industry.  We also recognize the opportunity some of these present when appropriately and proactively addressed. Here are some of the top food safety trends KTL is tracking in 2023—and some guidance to help you as you establish your food safety priorities.

Resource Constraints and Technology Solutions

Not surprisingly, one of the biggest challenges we have witnessed our clients grappling with is related to staffing, from turnover in the quality department to being understaffed in production. Employees are stretched thin and are carrying more responsibilities that they aren’t necessarily qualified to do, including food safety. Achieving and maintaining food safety compliance and Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) certification requires great management and expertise to ensure all aspects of a company’s technical compliance have been identified and are being actively handled. KTL has been working with more and more food safety and quality departments to fill these gaps—either with outsourced personnel or compliance efficiency tools—as companies look to recruit food safety staff.


  • Invest in food safety training and education for all staff and start with the basics. Even experienced workers can benefit from refresher training to correct bad habits and build efficiencies.
  • Develop a relationship with someone you trust to do things in your best interest. Use them to assess your operations, help you understand what regulations apply, identify gaps in your programs, and implement solutions to eliminate risks. Rely on them as a part of your team.
  • Employ information technology (IT) solutions to create compliance efficiencies. A well-designed and executed compliance information management system brings IT and management systems together to coordinate, organize, control, analyze, and visualize information in such a way that helps organizations remain in compliance and operate efficiently. 
  • Build a better food safety culture starting at the top and focusing on the details (see below).

Food Traceability

Without a doubt, food traceability is a hot topic with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) publishing the Final Food Traceability Rule in November 2022. While the agency has had previous food traceability requirements, the new rule under FSMA Section 204(d) is intended to enhance traceability recordkeeping for certain identified foods beyond a limited “one-up, one-back” traceback approach—creating standardization, stronger linkages throughout the supply chain, improved communication and recordkeeping, and faster response. The compliance date for all entities subject to the updated recordkeeping requirements is January 21, 2025.


  • The rule is complicated with unanswered questions about recordkeeping and FDA enforcement. Do what you can to understand your requirements. Review the Food Traceability List (FTL) and start building systems and processes now that address requirements for traceability lot codes, critical tracking events (CTEs), key data elements (KDEs), and recordkeeping.
  • Having a good document/records management system will be essential for maintaining the vast number of documents required by the Food Traceability Rule. Such a system can help ensure process and document standardization; central and secure storage, organization, and access to documents and records; enhanced workflows for approving and completing tasks involving documents; and easy access to documents for audits and clear audit trail.

Food Safety Culture

Food safety culture continues to garner attention and visibility across the food industry, as it is being integrated more completely and significantly into many of the GFSI-benchmarked food safety certification standards. For example, BRCGS Issue 9, which was launched on August 1, 2022, emphasizes two core themes: building core competencies and developing food safety culture.  These actions are creating defined requirements, timelines, and measurements to create a culture that embraces food safety.


  • Get senior leadership commitment in prioritizing food safety and quality.
  • Assess current food safety program elements, identify improvements that are internally desirable and required, and implement those updates that will create a strong food safety culture.
  • Put robust systems in place to ensure consistent commitment, communication, procedures, training, performance measurement, and trust.  

Environmental Focus

Food companies continue to see regulatory bodies—beyond FDA and USDA—taking much more interest in them. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) multi-media inspections, enforcement actions, and large penalties for violations persist. EPA’s proposed Safer Communities by Chemical Accident Prevention (SCCAP) rule, which is intended to strengthen current Risk Management Plan (RMP) regulations, has the potential to create significant industry requirements in the future. Facilities that use anhydrous ammonia as refrigerant may be particularly vulnerable. In addition, EPA is investing resources in addressing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination. Many manufacturers, especially those in the food and beverage industry, are facing new concerns about whether and how to test for and remediate PFAS contamination.


  • Evaluate your current environmental risk level and develop strategies to minimize risks to the extent possible. Proper usage strategies, a comprehensive environmental management system (EMS), and a forward-thinking Emergency Response Plan will remain vital tools for companies to effectively manage the associated risks
  • Outline steps to improve performance and safe operations, including defining organizational roles and responsibilities.
  • Streamline compliance methods and improve operational efficiencies by implementing IT solutions and compliance management systems that coordinate, organize, control, analyze, and visualize information.

Food Recalls

FDA took another step toward reducing the public’s exposure to the risks of foodborne illness on March 3, 2022, issuing its final guidance for voluntary recalls: Initiation of Voluntary Recalls Under 21 CFR Part 7, Subpart C. FDA’s guidance outlines the steps companies should take before a recall is mandated, including developing policies and procedures, establishing training, maintaining records, and initiating communications.


  • Establish recall initiation procedures. Prepare, maintain, and document written procedures for initiating a recall to minimize delays and uncertainty when/if a voluntary recall becomes necessary.
  • Identify and train appropriate personnel (and alternates) on recall-related responsibilities. The recall team should have a thorough understanding of recall procedures and their respective roles in carrying out a recall plan. Regular training, including mock recalls, helps ensure competency.
  • Establish a recall communications plan to address communications with employees, FDA, supply chain, direct accounts, and the public, as necessary. Identify key contacts and develop draft templates that can be easily customized and distributed when needed.

Food Investments

We continue to see private equity firms investing heavily in food companies and, subsequently, in their food safety infrastructure. Any merger and acquisition (M&A) transaction, no matter the size or structure, can have a significant impact on the acquiring company—and food safety is a critical factor. Undertaking adequate due diligence is vital. It can lead to the discovery of regulatory inconsistencies that may lessen the value of an entire product line or business—and opportunities to make improvements. It can provide better insights into the risks and potential benefits of a transaction that will ensure a smoother, more effective, and sustainable business integration.


An assessment of the operations, production processes, equipment conditions, food safety management, quality, regulatory compliance, and all related documentation needs to be completed as part of any food-related acquisition. Prior to any acquisition, it is important to determine:

  • Condition of operations (i.e., personnel, equipment, processes, facility) necessary to effectively meet existing performance standards.
  • Level of food safety compliance to regulatory requirements and applicable voluntary industry certifications.
  • Any potential high-level risks that would impact the transaction.


FDA is watching! The agency issued a number of warning letters in 2022 to companies that sell CBD-infused food and beverages and seems particularly concerned about food products that may appeal to children (e.g., cookies, gummies, etc.). While the regulatory framework for managing cannabis production is still unclear, this is a rapidly growing market, and we anticipate progress—whether at the state level or federal level—in the development and implementation of regulations and controls (e.g., Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs), labeling requirements, etc.).


Several organizations have launched cannabis standards and certifications—often based on GFSI and GMPs—to improve the overall safety and quality of cannabis and cannabis-infused products in the market. Those getting involved in this rapidly growing industry need to assess operations, determine what standards might be appropriate, identify gaps in existing programs, prepare for potential regulatory action and/or certification opportunities, and implement solutions to eliminate risks.

Sustainable Food Management

According to a January 2023 article in Food Logistics Magazine, “By 2050, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates we will need to produce 60% more food to feed a world population reaching nearly 10 billion. Even if we hit that mark, 300 million people will still be grappling with food scarcity.” The regulatory community has identified a real need for addressing food waste and the lack of circularity in the food industry. Sustainable management of food involves “a systematic approach that seeks to reduce wasted food and its associated impacts over the entire lifecycle, starting with the use of natural resources, manufacturing, sales, and consumption, and ending with decisions on recovery of final disposal” (EPA). Watch for efforts to promote sustainable food management to expand to meet demand.


A thorough food and packaging assessment can help identify appropriate strategies to avoid waste, cut down on disposal costs, reduce over-purchasing and labor costs, reduce water and energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with food production.

Food Safety Verification Program (FSVP)

While not a new rule, FSVP remains a key focus as the surge in food demand and lack of supply has created an environment ripe for food fraud. FDA recently sent a number of warning letters to companies across the U.S. putting them on notice for not having FSVPs for a number of imported food products, a significant violation of compliance with FSVP regulations. On January 10, 2023, FDA issued its final FSVP guidance document to help importers comply with the FSVP regulation. It offers clarification on what foods/entities the FSVP regulation applies to, what information must be included in the FSVP, and who must develop and perform FSVP activities.


  • Assess your supplier approval/management program, focusing on the fundamental aspects of FSVP—those requirements that must be verified, recorded, and evident in documents supporting foreign shipments of food product(s) under the rule.
  • Evaluate potential foreign suppliers’ performance and the risks posed by the food. Use FDA’s guidance document to determine and conduct appropriate foreign supplier verification activities.
  • Implement a supplier approval and management system to improve coordination with and communication of approved suppliers; manage supplier requirements and supplier evaluations/approvals; and maintain all required documentation.
  • Train your staff to have the knowledge needed to implement a successful FSVP that meets compliance requirements.

Set Your Goals for 2023

With these challenges simultaneously competing for attention—and with fewer resources to manage it all—companies need to assess priorities, needs, and requirements and create a plan for how to meet them. KTL suggests completing the following early in 2023:

  • Get senior leadership commitment and invest in creating a food safety culture that prioritizes food safety and quality.
  • Conduct a comprehensive food safety and quality gap assessment. This should be the starting point for understanding your regulatory and certification obligations and current compliance status—and for ensuring you are prepared to meet pending regulatory developments.
  • Get your documentation in place. Update and/or develop the procedures, programs, and records you need to demonstrate compliance, and implement a reliable system to keep them organized and readily accessible.
  • Leverage IT solutions to streamline compliance, manage certification requirements, and create business efficiencies.
  • Seek third-party oversight. Having external experts periodically look inside your company provides an objective view of what is really going on, helps you to prepare for audits, and allows you to implement corrective/preventive actions that ensure compliance.
10 Jan
Final Guidance: Foreign Supplier Verification Program

On January 10, 2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued its final guidance for the Foreign Supplier Verification Programs (FSVP) for Importers of Food for Humans and Animals.

Part of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), FSVP establishes risk-based foreign supplier verification activities that importers of human and animal foods must follow to ensure their imports are not adulterated or misbranded and are produced in compliance with section 418 or 419 of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic (FD&C) Act, as appropriate. The intent of FSVP is to hold importers accountable for verifying foreign suppliers are meeting U.S. food safety standards.

The new industry guidance document provides information to help importers comply with the FSVP regulation. It offers clarification on what foods/entities the FSVP regulation applies to, what information must be included in the FSVP, and who must develop and perform FSVP activities. It also includes recommendations on the requirements to:

  • Analyze the hazards in food.
  • Evaluate a potential foreign supplier’s performance and the risk posed by the food.
  • Determine and conduct appropriate foreign supplier verification activities.
  • Meet modified FSVP requirements in a variety of categories, such as requirements for importers of dietary supplements or very small importers.

The final guidance document is available online.

08 Dec
KTL News: New Food Safety Consultant

KTL is pleased to welcome the newest member of our food safety team!

Anna Sauls, Senior Consultant

Anna Sauls is a food safety and quality professional with more than ten years of experience. Prior to joining KTL, she served as an industry trainer for food, beverage, and natural products. Anna has in-depth knowledge of FDA food safety regulations and a strong ability to effectively communicate and train others on meeting food safety and quality requirements. Her areas of expertise include 21 CFR, food safety hazards, Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs), Preventive Controls for Human Foods, food defense, environmental monitoring, sanitation, auditing, and documentation. Anna is based in Candler, NC. Read her full bio… | 252.339.7583

15 Nov
Food Traceability: Final Rule

On November 7, 2022, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) submitted the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Final Rule: Requirements for Additional Traceability Records for Certain Foods (Food Traceability Rule) to be published in the Federal Register. The Rule is scheduled to be published November 21, 2022, and will become effective 60 days after. The compliance date for all entities subject to the updated recordkeeping requirements is two years later—January 21, 2026.

Food traceability is the ability to track any food through all stages of the supply chain—production, processing, distribution—to ensure food safety and operational efficiency. Improving food traceability is a key objective for the FDA. The Administration has taken a number of actions over the past few years to put food traceability in the forefront, including establishing Tech-Enabled Traceability as a core element in the FDA’s New Era of Smarter Food Safety Blueprint and now, publishing the final Food Traceability Rule.

Summary of Key Elements

While FDA has had food traceability requirements, the new rule under FSMA Section 204(d) is intended to enhance traceability recordkeeping for certain identified foods beyond a limited “one-up, one-back” traceback approach. The objective of the rule is to “help the FDA rapidly and effectively identify recipients of those foods to prevent or mitigate foodborne illness outbreaks and address credible threats of serious adverse health consequences or death.”

Key elements of the proposed Food Traceability Rule include the following:

  • Food Traceability List (FTL): The FTL designates categories of high-risk foods that require additional recordkeeping to protect public health. The Agency created a risk-ranking model to identify the following high-risk foods for inclusion on the FTL: cheeses, shell eggs, nut butter, cucumbers, fresh herbs, leafy greens, melons, peppers, sprouts, tomatoes, tropical tree fruits, fruits and vegetables (fresh cut), finfish, crustaceans, mollusks/bivalves, and ready-to-eat (RTE) deli salads. The rule establishes a process for FDA to update the FTL, as appropriate. Additions become effective one year after publication in the Federal Register; deletions would become effective immediately.
  • Critical Tracking Events (CTEs) and Key Data Elements (KDEs): The rule requires tracking KDEs for five defined CTEs: growing, receiving, creating, transforming, and shipping. At each CTE, the responsible entity needs to record the traceability lot code and relevant KDEs specific to that activity. The traceability lot code is to be established by entities that originate, transform, or create food on the FTL. This identifier remains the same as the product moves through the supply chain unless a transformation of the food occurs. The objective is to create linkages throughout the supply chain to help the FDA address key points in the supply chain more quickly in the event of an outbreak.
  • Traceability Program Records: Any entity that engages in production of a food on the FTL must create and maintain traceability program records, including a description of relevant reference records, list of foods on the FTL that are shipped, description of how traceability lot codes are assigned, and any other information needed to understand data. Records must be maintained as either original paper records, electronic records, or true copies. An electronic sortable spreadsheet must be provided to FDA within 24 hours during an outbreak, recall, or other threat to public health.

The final rule maintains several exemptions and partial exemptions included in the proposed rule. Some of these include excluding produce that is rarely consumed raw (RCR), certain farms and small originators, farms that sell directly to consumers, certain food produced and packaged on farms, small retail food establishments (RFEs), and others.

Meeting the Needs: Document Management

Over the next two years, those who manufacture, process, pack, or hold foods on the FTL will need to develop and implement the management systems required to fulfill the Food Traceability Rule’s recordkeeping requirements. And while these requirements only apply to foods on the FTL, FDA states that “they were designed to be suitable for FDA food products” and encourages the voluntary adoption of these practices industry-wide.

Having a good document/records management system is essential for maintaining the vast number of documents required by regulations and standards such as the Food Traceability Rule. Companies have been keeping records and documents in binders and file cabinets for years. While that system can work, many dynamic tools are available to alleviate some of these challenges and support organizational decision-making. A document management system can help create:

  • Process and document standardization
  • Central and secure storage, organization, and access to documents and records locally or remotely
  • Improved document searchability and accessibility
  • Enhanced workflows for approving and completing tasks involving documents
  • Easy access to documents for audits and clear audit trail, particularly for remote audits
  • Version control and history
  • Reduced paperwork
  • Higher quality data due to reduced human error
  • Improved collaboration
  • Improved security of sensitive documents

All of which lead to consistent, efficient, and reliable compliance performance which, in the case of food traceability, will help to:

  • Create standardization and harmonization across industry approaches.
  • Reduce response time in a foodborne illness outbreak and, subsequently, the number of people impacted.
  • Limit the overall scope of recalls.
  • Improve communication and create stronger linkages through greater transparency throughout the supply chain.
  • Eventually create end-to-end traceability.
23 Aug
BRCGS Issue 9: Focus on Culture and Core Competencies

First published in 1998, the BRCGS Global Food Safety Standard “provides a framework to manage product safety, integrity, legality, and quality, and the operational controls for these criteria in the food and food ingredient manufacturing, processing, and packing industry.” BRCGS was the first standard to be benchmarked by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and has been adopted by over 22,000 sites in 130 countries.

Over the past 24 years, the Global Food Safety Standard has been updated regularly to reflect the latest trends in food safety and to encourage more widespread adoption. The latest version—Issue 9—was recently launched on August 1, 2022. According to the Standard, the focus for the most recent issue has been on the following:

  • Encouraging understanding and further development of product safety culture.
  • Ensuring global applicability, compatibility with the Codex General Principles of Food Hygiene, and benchmarking to the GFSI requirements.
  • Expanding audit options to include the use of information and communication technology through a blended option.
  • Updating the requirements associated with core product safety activities, such as internal audits, root cause analysis, preventive actions, and incident management.
  • Providing greater clarity for sites completing animal primary conversion and producing animal feed.

Of important note, Issue 9 emphasizes two core themes: building core competencies and developing food safety culture.

Core Competencies

According to BRCGS, approximately 30% of nonconformances identified in food safety audits are related to what BRCGS calls “core competencies”. Core competencies are the basic elements and day-to-day activities that form the foundation of any food safety program. As audit results have demonstrated, many food businesses still aren’t getting the basic functions right when it comes to their daily work practices.

At its core, Issue 9 calls for more to be done to reduce nonconformances across the industry. The Standard believes the best way to do that is to improve and optimize the fundamentals (i.e., the core competencies). The requirements the Standard has specifically deemed “fundamental” include the following:

  • Senior management commitment and continual improvement (1.1)
  • Food safety plan – Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) (2)
  • Internal audits (3.4)
  • Management of suppliers of raw materials and packaging (3.5.1)
  • Corrective and preventive actions (3.7)
  • Traceability (3.9)
  • Layout, product flow, and segregation (4.3)
  • Housekeeping and hygiene (4.11)
  • Management of allergens (5.3)
  • Control of operations (6.1)
  • Labeling and pack control (6.2)
  • Training: raw material handling, preparation, processing, packing, and storage areas (7.1)

Core competencies must not just be established, but they must also receive ongoing attention and improvements to conform with the Global Food Safety Standard. These core competencies are critical to creating a strong food safety culture—the second core theme of Issue 9.

Food Safety Culture

Food safety culture and its introduction into various certification schemes and regulations is a hot trend that continues to grow in importance. Artifacts of product safety culture have actually been included in the BRCGS standard since its inception in 1998, but food safety culture wasn’t added as a specific requirement until Issue 8. Issue 9 takes food safety culture to the next level with the requirement for organizations to put in place defined activities and behaviors—with defined timescales and measurements—to support the improvement of food safety and culture.

In Issue 9, food safety culture is now part of the fundamental section in 1.1 Management Commitment to ensure development and continuous improvement.  In addition, sites must have a Food Safety Culture Plan that requires, at a minimum:

  • Clear and open communication on product safety
  • Training
  • Feedback from employees
  • Behavior changes required to maintain and improve product safety processes
  • Performance measurement on product safety, authenticity, legality, and quality-related activities

Next Steps

Sites currently certified globally to the BRCGS Global Food Safety Standard will have a transition period of six months to prepare their food safety systems to be audited against Issue 9’s requirements. Certification audits will commence February 1, 2023. In addition to the announced audit program (with mandatory unannounced audit every three years) and the unannounced audit program, which both remain largely unchanged since Issue 8, Issue 9 introduces a blended announced audit option that comprises a remote audit focused primarily on documented systems and records, followed by an onsite audit to review production, storage, and other onsite areas.

The next six months affords companies the time to assess current BRCGS Food Safety program elements; identify improvements that are internally desirable and required by the new Issue 9; and implement those updates that will create a strong food safety culture, improve core competencies, and reduce nonconformances with the BRCGS Food Safety Standard.

This can be done through a series of phases to ensure adoption throughout the organization.

  • Phase 1: BRCGS Food Safety Internal Assessment – Review existing BRCGS food programs, processes, and procedures; document management systems; and employee training tools and programs to identify those need areas in need of updates, development, and/or implementation to meet the requirements of Issue 9.
  • Phase 2: BRCGS Food Program Updates – Based on the assessment, develop a plan for updating the BRCGS Food Safety certification program, including major activities, key milestones, and expected outcomes. This may include updating/developing BRCGS Food programs, processes, procedures, and training with missing Issue 9 requirements and incorporating new food safety culture requirements (i.e., Food Safety Culture Plan).
  • Phase 3: Training – To ensure staff are prepared to implement and sustain the updated BRCGS Food Safety program, staff must be trained on applicable requirements; specific plans, procedures, and good manufacturing practices (GMPs) developed to achieve compliance; and the certification roadmap to prepare for future assessments.

Following this plan now will help companies ensure they maintain their BRCGS Food Safety certification when assessments begin under Issue 9 in February 2023.

14 Jul
New Era of Smarter Food Safety: Two Years of Progress

Two years ago—on July 13, 2020—the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) published the New Era of Smarter Food Safety Blueprint, providing the roadmap FDA will follow to further food safety modernization under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). According to FDA, “Smarter food safety is about more than just technology. It’s also about simpler, more effective, and modern approaches and processes. It’s about leadership, creativity, and culture.”

This has remained the Administration’s focus as it has pushed its New Era of Food Safety forward to meet the Blueprint’s goals to:

  • Enhance traceability
  • Improve predictive analytics
  • Respond more rapidly to outbreaks
  • Address new business models
  • Reduce contamination of food
  • Foster the development of stronger food safety cultures

Progress to Date

For the past two years, FDA has focused on initiatives to support the four core elements identified in the Blueprint. Progress-to-date has included the following:

Core Element #1: Tech-Enabled Traceability. FDA has taken several actions to use technology to create food traceability advancements and reduce foodborne illness:

  • The proposed Food Traceability Rule was published on September 23, 2020, as required under FSMA Section 204(d), to enhance traceability recordkeeping for certain identified foods beyond a limited “one-up, one-back” traceback approach. The final rule must be submitted by November 7, 2022.
  • Twelve winning teams were selected in FDA’s Low- or No-Cost Tech-Enabled Traceability Challenge, which encouraged development of traceability systems that are cost-effective for food operations of all size. The winning entities are now working with FDA to disseminate their ideas to stakeholders.

Core Element # 2: Smart Tools for Outbreak Response. The Blueprint seeks to strengthen the use of data for root cause analyses and predictive analytics to prevent future outbreaks. Advancements in this area have included the following: 

  • FDA conducted a pilot study designed to strengthen the ability to predict which shipments of imported seafood pose the greatest risk of violation. Results show that machine learning could increase the likelihood of identifying a shipment containing potentially contaminated products.
  • FDA has increased the amount and quality of data through information sharing agreements with regulatory and public health partners, academic institutions, industry, and others. This includes domestic mutual reliance agreements signed with five states (i.e., California, Florida, Minnesota, Utah, and Wisconsin), which “provide opportunities for the FDA and state partners to lay a quality foundation for sharing information and working together on regulatory services and food protection that industry and consumers can trust.”
  • In December 2021, FDA released its Foodborne Outbreak Response Improvement Plan, which sets the stage to “enhance the speed, effectiveness, coordination, and communication of foodborne outbreak investigations” through tech-enabled product traceback, root cause investigations, stronger analysis and dissemination of outbreak data, and operational improvements.

Core Element #3: New Business Models and Retail Food Modernization. As FDA has acknowledged, “The COVID-19 pandemic underscores the need for modern approaches as we respond to unique demands on our food system, from unprecedented imbalances in the marketplace, to changing consumer behaviors and a rise in e-commerce, to challenges to performing inspection and compliance work in FDA’s traditional manner.” Correspondingly, the Administration is considering how to address potential food safety vulnerabilities for foods ordered online and delivered directly to the consumer.

Core Element #4: Food Safety Culture. The improvements in food safety, foodborne illness, and outbreaks outlined above depend largely on food safety culture. Every action the FDA takes is intended to help create an atmosphere where organizations are aware of and help to prevent any process and/or operational issues and deviations that may impact the safety and/or quality of their food products. FDA also remains focused on consumer education regarding safe handling of food.

A Look Ahead

As FDA continues to push its New Era of Food Safety forward and new challenges surface, it is important to understand the current landscape, set priorities, and commit the appropriate resources to ensure long-term sustainability. Certainly, the COVID-19 pandemic has heightened a number of issues and unique demands on the food safety system.

As the Blueprint enters year three, FDA will continue to advance its core elements and goals. Companies that operate in the food industry should consider undertaking the following activities to align with FDA’s objectives:

  • Implement a food safety compliance management system to help coordinate, organize, control, analyze, and visualize the information necessary to remain in compliance and operate efficiently.
  • Conduct third-party assessments to provide an outside perspective of food safety systems and compliance/certification to identify gaps in programs that need development/updates.
  • Explore technological advancements that allow for further digitization and promote more timely and accurate collection and management of important data.
  • Gather/manage data and conduct root cause analysis, as needed, to identify underlying issues and ensure similar problems do not occur in the future.
  • Build a strong food safety culture that focuses on changing from a reactionary to a preventive mindset that promotes safety and quality.
24 May
Food Safety Summit Recap: Key Takeaways

The Food Safety Summit brings together the food safety community to learn more about today’s most crucial elements of food safety—from regulatory concerns and current industry trends to ongoing challenges and the latest technology and solutions.

This year’s Summit, held earlier in May, proved once again to be an engaging and informative meeting for all in attendance. Throughout the Summit, KTL’s food safety experts observed several common themes and challenges that the food industry is facing — challenges that your business may be encountering today.

We sat down with KTL’s attendees—Roberto Bellavia, Kasia Branny, Samantha Edwards, April Greene, and Joe Tell—to get their key takeaways from the Summit.

What topics were covered throughout the Summit?

The agenda for this year’s Summit was packed. Just some of the topics covered included cybersecurity, internal audits, food waste, food safety culture, foodborne illness, food safety management systems (FSMS), data-driven analytics, tech-enabled traceability, food recalls, microbial challenge studies, supply chain management, and sanitation.

Food safety culture headlined the agenda as the keynote topic this year, and it is clear this is an area garnering much more attention and visibility across the food industry. The keynote address provided the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) views on the importance of developing and nurturing food safety culture in the food industry, the industry perspective on implementing successful food safety culture strategies, and the importance of food safety culture through the eyes of the Department of Justice (DOJ).

KTL participated in a panel on virtual tools for food safety assessments. Panelists discussed how organizations are using remote technology to perform food safety assessments, food inspections, product and facility approvals, and similar tasks that are usually performed in person and onsite. The group discussed the practical, procedural, legal, and technology considerations any organization needs to develop efficient and effective remote audit protocols and maximize their potential use of remote tools.

In addition, KTL had a large turnout for our Solutions Stage presentation, Food Safety Management System Case Study: Using Microsoft 365® to Improve Compliance. KTL discussed how having a simple, centralized FSMS to manage, track, communicate, and report compliance program information can enable staff to complete required tasks, improve compliance performance, and support operational decision-making. The big secret: most companies already have the software they need in-house. An industry case study demonstrated a cost-effective approach for building an FSMS using the Microsoft 365 platform with SharePoint®.  

What are the biggest challenges companies in the food industry are currently facing?

Not surprisingly, one of the biggest challenges we heard time and again is related to staffing, from turnover in the quality department to being understaffed in production. On a related note, many also noted challenges in finding qualified—and available—auditors. Also not surprising, budget constraints and shortages in the supply chain remain challenges to navigate. It is increasingly difficult to get raw materials for operations and finding truckers to get materials to/from facilities is hampering production.

There remains a lot of focus on the application of new FDA requirements—like Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) and Food Defense and Intentional Adulteration—and finding good systems to manage all the related documents. While this is not a new rule, supplier approval/verification programs, vulnerability assessments, and written food defense plans will remain a key focus as a surge in food demand and lack of supply has created an environment ripe for food fraud. It is likely that FDA intentional adulteration inspections could also ramp up.

Finally, many companies are experiencing other regulatory bodies (beyond FDA and USDA) taking much more interest in food companies. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have started to realize that they have been somewhat lax on inspecting these facilities. 2021 brought a significant uptick in EPA multi-media inspections, enforcement actions, and large penalties for violations, particularly related to anhydrous ammonia storage, risk management, and chemical accident prevention planning. Anhydrous ammonia is widely used as refrigerant in food facilities, including meat, poultry, and fish processing facilities; dairy and ice cream plants; wineries and breweries; fruit juice, vegetable juice, and soft drink processing facilities; cold storage warehouses; other food processing facilities; and seafood processing facilities aboard ships. Not only are companies trying to make do with fewer staff, but responsibilities are growing to include these environmental, health, and safety (EHS) regulatory compliance concerns, as well.

Are there any *new* food safety trends you heard about that companies should have on their radar?

Food safety culture. Food safety culture and its introduction into various certification schemes and regulations is a hot trend that will only grow in importance. Food safety culture is a core element of the FDA’s New Era of Smarter Food Safety. It is also a key component of the GFSI Benchmarking Requirements Version 2020 and, subsequently, is being integrated as a requirement into many of the benchmarked food safety certification standards. Best-in-class food safety cultures have robust systems in place to ensure consistent commitment, communication, procedures, training, performance measurement, and trust.

Cybersecurity. Cybersecurity is moving to the forefront for many. A new law was adopted that requires companies in listed industry sectors, including the food sector, to report to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) within 72 hours of a cyberattack and within 24 hours if they paid ransom. Implementing regulations will clarify which companies are specifically subject to this reporting. Interestingly, Microsoft SharePoint was mentioned during the Summit as one of the safest technologies for storing and managing information compared to other food safety software from a cybersecurity perspective.

Rapid laboratory testing. Another interesting and very current discussion was about the new micronutrient and chemical analyses that have been developed to quickly test baby formula to help combat the baby formula shortage. There is a lot of opportunity and more “affordable” technology available to set up internal rapid laboratory testing to conduct product and environmental testing.

Data analytics. There is also a big push for usable data. Companies are starting to realize they need to have data they can use in a meaningful way to improve their systems. A well-designed and well-executed food safety program—with data trend analysis—provides an important tool for ensuring food safety. The goal should be to effectively capture and analyze audit data and then use that information to improve food safety and quality, achieve certification requirements, and enhance overall business performance.

Sustainable food management. The regulatory community has identified a real need for addressing food waste and the lack of circularity in the food industry. Wasted food makes up the largest percentage—over 20%—of any one material sent to landfills and incinerators each year in the U.S. The EPA, USDA, and FDA have already joined forces to address the magnitude of wasted food impacts across the U.S. through the U.S. Food Loss and Waste 2030 Champion program. Efforts to promote sustainable food management have begun extending to the state level and will continue.

Supplier expectations. Finally, companies (and customers) are setting higher expectations for the supplier and vendor companies they work with. As a result, more companies are pursuing certifications in areas they may not have previously considered to meet these customer expectations or, sometimes, to work globally. This can include anything from getting certified to various ISO management system standards (e.g., quality (ISO 9001), environment (ISO 14001), cybersecurity (ISO 27001), etc.), or participating in sustainability and corporate social responsibility reporting (e.g., Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), etc.).

What should companies in the food industry be doing now to plan for the future?

The shortage of workers—and resources, in general—is likely to continue for the foreseeable future. The days where it is typical to see someone at the same company for 25+ years are coming to a close! Managing the complexities of a FSMS and food safety program is challenging, even when fully staffed. Every regulatory agency and voluntary certification standard calls for companies to fulfill compliance requirements; supply chain and internal requirements create further complications and confusion.

One of the best things food companies can do to manage this challenge and plan for the future is to invest in going digital. Compliance efficiency and tracking tools are becoming essential to allow companies to do more with fewer resources. An integrated compliance management system brings various tools together to create one system that effectively manages compliance requirements, enables staff to carry out daily tasks and manage operations, and supports operational decision making by tracking and trending data that is collected daily by the team charged with implementation.

23 May
Benefits of an Integrated Management System

According to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), are currently more than 80 Management System Standards (MSS)—80 different standards designed to help companies improve their performance across a diverse range of areas and sectors.

Most companies these days have some sort of management system, whether formal (e.g., ISO, Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI)-benchmarked standard, industry-specific) or informal. And, because most companies have various aspects and functions to their operations, many actually may have more than one system to organize processes and business objectives.

While management systems by ISO’s definition are designed to “help organizations improve their performance by specifying repeatable steps that organizations consciously implement to achieve their goals and objectives,” having multiple systems to manage often overlapping requirements (i.e., regulatory, certification, supply chain, internal) can create redundancies, inefficiencies, extra work, and overall confusion.

Integrated Management Systems: The Basics

A management system is the organizing framework that enables companies to achieve and sustain their operational and business objectives through a process of continuous improvement (i.e., Plan-Do-Check-Act). It is designed to identify and manage risks through an organized set of policies, procedures, practices, and resources that guide the enterprise and its activities to maximize business value.

A management system should be a means to better align operational quality, safety, environment, food safety, security, energy, etc. with the business. An integrated management system does just this. It aligns an organization’s various systems and processes into one complete framework, enabling the organization to work as a single unit to implement specific best practices organization-wide, fulfill the requirements of multiple standards, and meet a unified set of business objectives.

Integration Business Benefits

Ultimately, the various MSS have many common points—and all work towards the goal of making the organization more effective and efficient. Developing an integrated management system allows organizations to align the standards, find common management system components (e.g., terminology, policies, objectives, processes, resources), and add measurable and recognizable business value, including the following:

Greater consistency. An integrated approach creates greater consistency across business facets when it comes to terminology, processes, procedures, expectations, etc., and, in turn, greatly improved focus on a common set of business objectives. With an integrated system, organizations can ensure that processes, methods, and practices are in place, documented, and consistently applied across the entire organization. A common documented framework such as this helps alleviate duplication of efforts, allows for a more complete view of the functional needs of the entire organization, and reduces variability in performance.

Optimized processes and resources. Integrated systems allow companies to optimize processes and resources and, subsequently, reduce the time it takes to do certain activities. Integrated management systems help organizations to maintain requirements and associated documents concurrently—particularly through use of an information system—streamlining the process and allowing the organization to focus on improvements rather than maintaining multiple systems. A common system enables better use of resources and better collaboration and communication across the company.

More strategic approach. Organizations can take a more strategic approach with an integrated management system because it focuses on managing all aspects of the business, not just one area. It provides clear methods and processes to identify and prioritize risks, set and monitor goals, communicate risks to employees and management, and allocate appropriate resources to mitigate them. It also establishes a common language among managers, executives, and employees, which enables better goal setting, priority ranking, and allocation of resources. As a bonus, integrated systems also make it much easier to implement an organization-wide information system capable of tracking and reporting on common activities and key performance metrics.

Forward-thinking. More and more organizations are expecting more from the companies they work with—and that includes management systems. The push for best practices over just regulatory compliance is a growing trend. Reliable and effective regulatory compliance is commonly an outcome of consistent implementation of a management system. Beyond that, an integrated management system allows organizations to more effectively manage those risks (i.e., compliance, financial, legal liability, brand reputation) that can significantly impact the entire supply chain.

Help from the Standards

Standards organizations such has ISO are making it as easy as possible to implement an integrated management system—whether formal or informal—because, plain and simple, it just makes business sense. For example, ISO has adopted a Harmonized Structure (formerly known as High-Level Structure) to make sure every ISO MSS is structured in the same way with ten universal sections. The ISO MSS also use Annex SL, which dictates how the MSS should be written and, again, is consistent across the various MSS. These efforts simplify use, streamline protocol, and encourage standardization across the ISO MSS.

Beyond that, ISO has published a Guide to Integrating Management System Standards (revised in 2018) to help organizations implement integrated management system design—ISO or not. According to Michael McLean, Convenor or the ISO working group that developed the handbook, “Many organizations benefit from multiple management systems to help them ensure their systems and processes are in line with their objectives and help them maintain their business model through ever-changing environments. This handbook provides a practical guide for organizations to effectively align their management systems with their strategies, plans, and operations.”

Taking the Next Steps

If you are operating with multiple management systems—or even if you have no management system at all—there are some basic steps to creating an integrated management system:

  1. Invest the time to understand the current scope of operations, functional departments, compliance requirements, governance structure, etc. across the entire organization as a whole, not just siloed departments.
  2. Conduct a gap assessment to evaluate the current (“as-is”) condition of any formal or informal management system(s) against the desired (“to-be”) condition (e.g., ISO, GFSI, industry-specific).
  3. Create a development and implementation plan outlining tasks and resources required to close any identified gaps and achieve those objectives.
    • Determine key components of the integrated management system required to achieve business objectives.
    • Identify common elements to be standardized and incorporated into an integrated system (e.g., policies, procedures, processes, metrics, training).
    • Determine what information technology can support and streamline an integrated management system.
  4. Provide relevant training to all interested parties to truly operationalize the management system across the organization.

Whether formal or informal, integrated management systems provide organizations—both big and small, in any industry—a pillar for sustainable growth. By developing and implementing an aligned management system, organizations can achieve more consistent, reliable, and efficient performance across many areas, while adding measurable and recognizable business value.
