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Holiday Wishes from KTL
One of the real joys this holiday season is the opportunity
for all of us at Kestrel Tellevate LLC to say thank you
and to wish you the very best for the new year.

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The Latest on RMP: Reconsideration Rule Finalized
The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Risk Management Program (RMP) Rule requires facilities storing specific chemicals above certain threshold amounts to develop risk management programs to prevent and mitigate accidents that could release those chemicals into the environment. Just what the RMP rule entails has been the subject of debate since EPA first proposed the RMP Amendments in 2016. Rules related to RMP requirements have been published, petitioned, delayed, vacated, reissued, and reconsidered. As the most recent action in the ongoing RMP saga, EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler signed the RMP Reconsideration Rule on November 21, 2019.
Reconsideration Rule
According to EPA Administrator Wheeler, the intent of the RMP Reconsideration Rule is to promote “improved coordination between chemical facilities and emergency responders, reduce unnecessary regulatory burdens, and address security risks associated with previous amendments to the RMP rule.”
What does that entail? In the final Reconsideration Rule, many of the major provisions that were added in the RMP Amendments Rule are rescinded, including the following requirements to:
- Hire a third-party to conduct a compliance audit after an RMP reportable accident. EPA retains the right to still require a third-party audit, when appropriate.
- Conduct a Safer Technologies and Alternatives Analysis (STAA). Again, this can still be required by EPA but is already encouraged under the rule’s existing Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) provisions.
- Conduct and document a root cause analysis after an RMP reportable accident/near miss, in efforts to maintain consistency with the OSHA Process Safety Management (PSM) standard.
- Make very broadly defined information available by facility to the public upon request to alleviate potential security/terrorism threats.
A number of other requirements, particularly as it relates to local emergency coordination and training exercises have been retained and/or modified, as follows:
- Requirements that facilities must coordinate annually and document coordination with local response organizations.
- Annual notification drills to confirm that emergency contact information is accurate.
- Requirement to perform field and tabletop exercises as a way to train facility personnel and local responders.
- Frequency of 3-year tabletop exercises to ensure regular emergency training is conducted.
- Provision to reduce potential security risks associated with avoiding the open-ended information disclosure provision.
- Frequency of field exercises by removing the ten-year minimum requirement to reduce burden on local emergency responders.
- Scope and documentation provisions for field and tabletop exercises to reduce burden.
- Requirement to hold a public meeting after an incident that has offsite impacts vs. releases with only onsite impacts.
The EPA RMP Website provides additional information and resources, as well as a copy of the complete RMP Reconsideration Rule and the updated requirements.
Risk-Based Approach
According to the EPA RMP Reconsideration Final Rule Fact Sheet, the final rule retains the prevention provisions that have resulted in the trend of fewer significant chemical accidents, which have declined more than 50% since RMP was first published in 1999. With the RMP Reconsideration Rule, EPA’s intent is to take a more risk-based approach that focuses on the highest risk facilities (i.e., the less than 2% of RMP facilities reporting multiple releases), as opposed to the 90+% of RMP facilities who reported no accidents from 2007-2016.
Industry Reaction
RMP regulates approximately 12,500 facilities, including agricultural supply distributors, waste/wastewater treatment facilities, chemical manufacturers and distributors, food and beverage manufacturers, chemical warehouses, oil refineries and other chemical facilities. As a whole, industry has commended EPA for taking a more risk-based approach to RMP that reduces the regulatory burden on industry:
- “The RMP program has been working very well. The data clearly shows a continuous reduction in accidents of regulated facilities. It is important for EPA to focus on compliance assistance efforts and promoting enhanced coordination between RMP facilities and local first responders.” Richard Gupton, Senior Vice President of Public Policy and Counsel, Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA)
- “SOCMA and its members have been actively engaged in the reconsideration of the 2017 RMP Amendments and has been supportive of the Agency’s efforts to delay implementation of the prior rule while it conducted reconsideration proceedings. This final rule will provide much-needed certainty at facilities seeking to understand and achieve their RMP compliance obligations.” Robert Helminiak, Vice President of Legal and Government Relations, Society of Chemical Manufacturers and Affiliates (SOCMA)
- “We commend the EPA for developing a rule that reflects the extensive feedback the agency received through a comprehensive and thoughtful process to seek public input. The agency wisely incorporated the recommendation to strike the right balance of sharing vital safety information with emergency responders and protecting sensitive security information. EPA also followed the recommendation to utilize the EPA’s latest data to identify areas where more focused compliance assistance is needed to help facilities further reduce the number of reportable safety incidents.” Mike, Walls, Vice President of Regulatory and Technical Affairs, American Chemical Council (ACC)
- “NACD commends EPA for taking our recommended changes to the 2017 rule seriously and for instead pursuing a commonsense approach that improves facility safety without hamstringing businesses with burdensome requirements that have no proven benefit.” Jennifer Gibson, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs, National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD)
Implications/What’s Next?
As the regulatory history with the RMP Rule demonstrates, it remains important for impacted companies to stay on top of the requirements, coordinate efforts with local emergency responders, and plan accordingly. For companies impacted by the RMP Reconsideration Rule, it is important to:
- Understand the hazards posed by chemicals at the facility
- Assess the impacts of a potential release
- Design and maintain a safe facility to prevent accidental releases
- Coordinate with local emergency responders
- Minimize the consequences of accidental releases that do occur
Kestrel Tellevate LLC (KTL) has experience working with a broad cross-section of industries impacted by RMP, particularly chemical companies. We have created RMP and General Duty Clause audit protocol and conducted audits and investigation/improvement programs following significant release events. We also routinely work with Local Emergency Planning Commissions (LEPCs) to coordinate emergency response efforts and exercises.
Our understanding of the regulations and industry needs spans years of experience and commitment to helping industry comply with regulations and operate more efficiently. For example, KTL developed and implemented the Guidance Manual and Training Modules for the Responsible Care Management System (RCMS) and RC14001, ACC’s management system integrating environmental, safety/process safety and security. KTL is also a Preferred Provider of compliance services for NACD member companies and a recognized NACD Responsible Distribution Adviser, providing in-depth support for members and affiliates during Responsible Distribution implementation and integration with other management systems and EHS compliance initiatives.
Regulatory enforcement-driven projects such as those related to RMP require skills in regulatory strategy, negotiations, expert analysis, presentations and testimony—and, equally important—trust and relationship building. KTL can work with companies to:
- Identify/understand/prioritize compliance risks
- Outline steps to improve performance
- Define organizational roles and responsibilities
- Streamline compliance methods
- Plan and conduct required tabletop exercises and coordinate with local emergency response
- Implement, monitor, and continually improve

4 Steps to Reporting Audit Results
The audit report communicates the information, findings and opinions derived from the audit. The report communicates either acceptability of the current status of the management system or reports non-conformances that need corrective action. The following outlines the suggested steps for reporting audit results.
Step 1. Assess the Status of Current Internal Controls
One of the auditor’s main responsibilities is to evaluate whether the current internal controls that govern the management system are adequate. Do the audits:
- Highlight areas of concern or hazards that may be a failure waiting to happen?
- Focus attention of the 20% of the factors that cause 80% of the problems?
- Help to eliminate ineffective controls or make existing controls better?
- Aid in the detection and prevention of deficiencies or non-conformances?
- Look through and investigate possible “homeblindness”?
- Verify the management system links are supportive and feed each other information to assure continual improvement?
The auditors must constantly challenge the status quo and push the management system forward beyond its comfort level.
Step 2. Prepare Audit Report
Most facilities use a formal audit report system. The audit report format is prescribed and followed by the auditor. The auditor typically states:
- Date and time of audit
- Department audited
- Management system clauses audited to
- Personnel interviewed
- Documents reviewed
- Summary of findings
- Conformance or non-conformance determination
Step 3. Discuss Audit Findings
The lead auditor will then take the completed audit report and review the contents with the affected department head. Upon acceptance by the department head, the final audit report should then be signed by the department head verifying acceptance and responsibility for any change(s) required.
Step 4. Determine Plan of Action
The entire reason for conducting internal management system audits is to verify conformance and continually improve on the management system. Therefore, it is extremely important that all identified non-conformances are corrected in a timely manner.
Some companies place all audited non-conformances into their corrective/preventive action process for tracking purposes. Others place only critical non-conformances into the corrective/preventive action process. Regardless of the mechanics of tracking the identified audited non-conformances, it is imperative that corrective action is taken.
Once the corrective action is in place, the auditors should review the actions taken and verify the root cause was identified properly and resolved. An accept or reject decision can then be rendered for the change action.
If acceptable, no further action is required, and the issue is considered resolved. If unacceptable, the department head must complete a new root cause analysis, develop a new action plan, and put the new action plan into place. The auditors will now review the new action plan and make a determination of acceptance or rejection.
Audit Team Members
It is advisable to rotate your internal management system audit team members. This will allow for fresh perspective and a new set of eyes to look at the management system. This serves many purposes:
- Gives a specific timeframe of responsibly for those thinking of enlisting as an auditor
- Allows for gradual increase of responsibility over time; new auditors learn and perform audits, older auditors become mentors for the new auditors, graduates leave program and are viewed by company personnel as “knowledge experts” on the management system
- Allows for fresh perspective on auditing
- Trains numerous employees on the management system
- Reinforces the concept of continuous improvement
Are You Prepared?
Use your answers to the questions below to evaluate your preparation for reporting audit results.
- Has the auditor evaluated the current internal controls for suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness?
- Does the auditor have hard copy evidence of conformance and/or non-conformance?
- Have all questions prepared prior to the audit been satisfactorily answered and explained?
- Is the audit report clear, concise, and informative?
- Does the department head agree or disagree with the findings?
- Are all identified non-conformances tracked and resolved in a timely manner?
- Based on audit non-conformances, are procedures and work instructions being changed and improved?
- Do employees understand the management system is being audited, not the employee?
- Is change readily accepted by company personnel?

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Top 6 Best Practices for Waste Management
Identifying and managing your wastes is not a task to be taken lightly. If waste is incorrectly managed, there are regulatory compliance risks, exposure risks, and potential financial penalties that can impact your business. Given these risks, effective waste management requires investments of time, money, and resources. However, if you are proactive in your efforts to inventory your wastes, understand your requirements, and develop a plan to manage your inputs and outputs, it is possible to turn those investments into value for your organization.
The following six best practices can help ensure you are you managing your waste correctly, efficiently, and cost-effectively—and that you can sustain those efforts for the long term:
1. Inventory your wastes – Biotech labs and industrial processes traditionally produce many different types of waste that can present significant waste management challenges. A methodical, analytical approach to characterizing and evaluating waste can substantially improve efficiencies when it comes to handling waste and minimize the risks of improper waste management. This is done through an EPA-required waste determination. In addition to reviewing chemicals that are used in processes and the different types of risk they present, a waste determination should evaluate allwaste being generated by processes throughout the facility.
2. Understand your compliance requirements – The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates much of the waste generated by industry. Over the past ten years, the Agency has demonstrated an even stronger focus on labs. Additional regulatory agencies that oversee lab and industry operations include the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), Department of Transportation (DOT), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), fire department, and others depending upon the type of work being done, chemicals being used, and resulting end products. The waste scenarios seen in labs and industry are countless, and each may hold associated regulatory compliance requirements. While this clearly presents business risks, it also provides a unique opportunity to create strategies to manage wastes more effectively and efficiently, improve safety, and reduce the potential costs of regulatory compliance.
3. Understand your business processes – Companies who want to proactively manage their waste need to go through the process of understanding where your waste fits into your business processes—and what you need to do with not only your waste, but also your operations, to minimize risk, reduce costs, and ensure compliance. Having business and production processes mapped out helps companies improve the interconnected set of processes, sub-processes, activities, and tasks that allow the business to manage waste most effectively. A thorough review of business and operational processes and the waste being generated further creates the opportunity for a “bottom-to-top” evaluation of all regulatory compliance. It is a process of understanding what you have, where it fits, and what you need to do with it to minimize risk, reduce costs, and ensure compliance.
4. Get the right parties trained – One of the most common violations identified by both DOT and EPA is failure of personnel signing hazardous waste manifests to have appropriate DOT hazardous waste training. Failure to meet this training requirement can result in substantial financial penalty. Perhaps even more important, lack of training may also impact the understanding of employees in how to correctly—and safely—perform their duties. There are many people who touch waste at various points in the process and they all need to be trained on how to work with it in a manner that is safe and compliant with regulatory requirements.
5. Develop waste management strategies – Are there waste streams that you are paying too much to manage? Are there alternatives to the reagents or kits you are using that may minimize your risk and improve safety in your lab? Are there strategies that can make waste management simpler, more cost-effective, and more compliant that you could implement in your lab? As key indicators of waste quantities are identified, strategies for internal process changes that can minimize waste generation can be implemented.
When developing your strategies, focus on managing waste as close to the source(s) as possible. There are frequently alternatives to hazardous, universal, biohazardous, and special waste management that will minimize risk and improve financials. These waste minimization strategies need to be identified and evaluated to determine their applicability and potential impacts. Options that Kestrel has investigated and assisted with implementing include:
- Treating hazardous waste to minimize quantities for disposal
- Recycling used solvents through evaporation and reclamation strategies
- Solidifying nonhazardous waste waters with associated subtitle D landfilling
6. Establish a system to sustain ongoing compliance – Documenting waste management procedures and processes, along with management oversight and continual review and improvement, is key to ensuring ongoing compliance. Technology (i.e., a compliance information management system (IMS), apps, tools) can help create process standardization, operational efficiencies, and, subsequently, consistent and reliable compliance/waste management performance. Do you have permitting requirements? Does your staff need training? How do you maintain your records? Are there regular (e.g., annual, semi-annual) plans and/or reports you need to submit? Do you have routine inspections and monitoring? All these things can and should be built into a compliance IMS so they can be managed more efficiently.
Through an evaluation of chemicals onsite, development of an inventory of both chemicals used and waste generated, and identification of processes to efficiently and effectively manage waste, businesses/labs can ensure they understand and meet their EHS regulatory obligations in the most efficient ways possible.

How Do I Efficiently Sustain Waste Management Compliance?
Understanding your waste requirements and then getting your facility in compliance with those requirements are important steps in your waste management efforts. However, effective waste management is not a one-time effort. It takes ongoing resources and tools to sustain ongoing compliance. Consider the following:
- How do you track your waste inventory?
- Do you have ongoing permitting requirements to manage?
- Does your staff need periodic training?
- Are there regular (e.g., annual, semi-annual) plans and/or reports you need to submit?
- Do you have routine inspections and monitoring?
- How do you maintain your records? Where do you house your documentation?
Managing all these things and effectively resourcing ongoing regulatory compliance needs can quickly become overwhelming—especially for those companies without a dedicated team of full-time environmental, health and safety (EHS) staff.
Technology Tools
Documenting waste management procedures and processes, along with management oversight and continual review and improvement, is key to ensuring ongoing compliance. Technology (i.e., a compliance information management system (IMS), apps, tools) can help create process standardization, operational efficiencies, and, subsequently, consistent and reliable compliance/waste management performance.
However, it must be noted that applying technology to operations isn’t about just finding and buying a software tool. It is about:
- Understanding the business need;
- Customizing and integrating the appropriate tool into existing operations; and
- Deploying it so it is effectively applied.
Scalable Solutions
Virtually every regulatory program, including those related to waste management, has compliance requirements that call for companies to fulfill a number of common compliance activities. While they do not necessarily need to be addressed all at once or from the start, considering the eight functions of compliance when designing compliance efficiency tools helps define the starting point and build a vision for the end result.
Compliance efficiency tools built on an Office 365 platform offer an adaptable/scalable solution that can allow you to more efficiently manage compliance tasks, corrective and preventive actions (CAPAs), and other project activities to ensure you are meeting your compliance requirements. Translating these common compliance functions into modules that can be instrumental in establishing or improving a company’s capability to comply, including:
- Facility profiles
- Waste inventories
- Compliance calendars
- Assessments & inspections
- Mobile forms & checklists
- Audit tracking
- Permit management/tracking
- Document and records management
Adding Business Value
In the end, implementing compliance efficiency tools such as this can provide the resources needed to effectively manage your waste management program—plus a number of other lasting benefits to the overall business:
- Helps improve the company’s capability to comply on an ongoing basis
- Establishes compliance practices
- Creates a strong foundation for internal and 3rd-party compliance audits and for answering outside auditors’ questions (agencies, customers, certifying bodies)
- Helps companies know where to look for continuous improvement
- Reduces surprises and unnecessary spending on reactive compliance-related activities
- Informs management’s need to know
- Enhances confidence of others (e.g. regulators, shareholders/investors, insurers, customers), providing evidence of commitment, capability, reliability and consistency in the company’s waste management program

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Kestrel & Tellevate Announce Business Merger
We are excited to announce that Kestrel Management LLC (Kestrel) and Tellevate LLC (Tellevate) have merged to provide enhanced compliance and management consulting services to industry and government agencies. The newly merged entity will be conducting business as Kestrel Tellevate LLC (KTL) as of November 1, 2019.
Partnership History
Kestrel and Tellevate have a long-standing relationship dating back to 2011. “Our companies’ proactive partnership strategy has allowed us to quickly assemble the right resources to respond efficiently to changing cilent needs and ensure successful projects,” explains Joseph Tell, KTL Principal. “Formalizing this partnership through a merger will allow us to create more efficiencies in our business to bring more value to our clients and elevate their operations and business processes.”
Each entity brings resources and expertise to KTL to enhance the newly formed company’s ability to provide more comprehensive services to both industry and government. “Kestrel has a 20+-year history providing environmental, health, safety, quality, and food safety consulting services to a diverse group of industrial clients,” says KTL Principal Evan Fitzgerald. “Tellevate brings an extensive background in providing EHS management solutions to both industry and government contracts. This is a merger that will allow KTL to grow in both markets and to better serve our clients.”
What This Means for You
Your daily interactions and existing contracts with Kestrel Management LLC or Tellevate LLC will remain largely unchanged. Going forward, there may be some new faces (and expertise) to join your project team. Any future changes to our existing systems/process will be communicated to you, as needed.
Together, KTL will continue to help our clients reduce operational risks, assure regulatory compliance, and implement reliable management systems for continual improvement in the areas of environment, health & safety, food safety, and quality. We provide comprehensive services to both industrial clients and government agencies in the following areas:
- EHS Compliance Assurance
- Process, Program & Project Improvement
- Management Systems
- Food Safety Certification & Compliance
- Information Management Solutions
The new entity’s primary branches are located in Decatur, Georgia; and Madison, Wisconsin; with satellite offices in Chicago, Illinois; Des Moines, Iowa; Ann Arbor, Michigan; St. Louis, Missouri; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and Washington, D.C. Additional information can be found at https://kestreltellevate.com.

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Compliance & Commissioning for Food-Grade Products
All materials that are part of the food supply chain, including food packaging and contact materials, can significantly influence food safety. Inadequate packaging can fail to protect food properly or allow for contamination or adulteration. Producing safe food demands food safety management and compliance from all who contribute to the final food packaging and contact materials—those supplying materials, making the packaging, manufacturing food contact materials, and distributing the final packaged products.
Setting the Standard
Under the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) standards, major schemes (e.g., IFS PACsecure, the BRC Global Standard for Packaging, SQF Packaging, and FSSC 22000) provide guidance for the producers of packaging materials to ensure the safety and quality of food and non-food products.
The GFSI standards are described as different but equal. It is important that companies determine the best fit of the GFSI options for their own company requirements. All of the standards help manufacturers, packers/fillers, and retailers demonstrate that every reasonable measure has been taken to avoid a food safety incident. Qualified legal reviews have shown that these GFSI benchmarked standards also meet nearly all of the food safety requirements of FDA/FSMA.
The GFSI standards address the requirements to assure food safety by applying the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) principles specific to food packaging risk and this sector of the food industry. The standards help manufacturers take responsibility by establishing a recognized Food Safety Management System (FSMS).
Each food packaging standard follows a defined documentation program for GFSI certification, and may fit specific packaging applications and food risk differently. As a general example, the FSSC 22000 certification scheme uses ISO 22000 and PAS 223 to identify the requirements for certification and to define a set of food safety requirements, as listed in sections 4-8 of the standard (see table below).
4. Food Safety System Requirements | 4.1. Establish an FSMS
4.2. Document your FSMS |
5. Food Safety Management Requirements
5.1. Demonstrate a commitment to food safety
5.2. Establish your food safety policy 5.3. Plan your FSMS 5.4. Clarify your FSMS responsibilities and authorities 5.5. Appoint a food safety team leader 5.6. Establish your communications 5.7. Develop emergency response procedures 5.8. Carry out FSMS management reviews |
6. Food Safety Resource Requirements | 6.1. Provide adequate FSMS resources
6.2. Provide adequate human resources 6.3. Provide adequate infrastructure 6.4. Provide adequate work environment |
7. Food Safety Realization Requirements
7.1. Manage the realization of safe products
7.2. Establish your prerequisite programs (PRPs) 7.3. Get ready to do a hazard analysis 7.4. Perform your organization’s hazard analysis 7.5. Establish your operational PRPs 7.6. Establish your HACCP plan 7.7. Update preliminary documents and programs 7.8. Plan and perform your verification activities 7.9. Establish a product traceability system 7.10. Control your nonconforming products |
8. Food Safety Confirmation Requirements
8.1. Confirm and improve food safety methods
8.2. Validate food safety control measures 8.3. Control your monitoring & measuring methods 8.4. Verify your FSMS 8.5. Improve your FSMS |
Preparing for Certification
Taking measures upfront to adhere to food safety standards helps assure that food packaging will meet in-use demands and regulatory requirements so that the food contents can be enjoyed safely. To prepare for certification, companies should:
- Identify regulatory requirements, which may include commissioning of plant and equipment to confirm compliance with food safety requirements
- Set clear target dates for assessment and implementation
- Establish an informed and thorough materials evaluation process
- Identify and document food safety hazards and relevant control measures (HACCP/GMP)
- Identify applicable GMPs (e.g., pest control, equipment & building maintenance, housekeeping & cleaning)
- Establish a robust FSMS that aligns with existing management systems (i.e., quality, environmental, health & safety)
- Implement any needed structural improvements
- Institute ongoing material and packaging testing protocols, as well as strict handling and use requirements
Case Study: Food-Grade Paper Mill
Kestrel has been involved with a number of paper and packaging facilities considering expanding production operations to manufacture food-grade product that meets GFSI, FSSC 2200, GMP, HACCP, and customer requirements. The following provides an example of how a Kentucky-based paper mill commissioned its site to manufacture paper products to meet the needs of food customers nationwide.
Phase 1: HACCP/GMP Compliance Analysis
Due to the recent changes in regulatory and certification requirements, this paper mill needed to be confirmed or commissioned as food-material compliant to continue its food-grade materials manufacturing. Building on its existing management system documentation, originally designed and certified to ISO 9001, the mill determined that it would comply with FDA food contact paper requirements and sought alignment with the GFSI FSSC 22000 standard.
Kestrel conducted a preliminary GMP/HACCP certification analysis to provide a third-party audit report on the mill’s compliance to regulatory and industry standards. The desktop, physical site, and process reviews included analysis of the following:
- Site HACCP program
- Risk analysis assessment
- GMP requirements under FDA
- Supplier program and receipt of goods
- Customer requirements and release of goods
- CAPA management
- Food safety objectives/policy
Based on this assessment, Kestrel established a project workplan and estimated timeline to develop and implement a food safety management program for both FDA and GFSI FSSC 22000 certification requirements.
The mill proceeded with establishing the required programs for compliance to regulatory and industry standards for the manufacture of food-grade product meeting the processing requirements under GMP and HACCP. Specific project goals for this phase included:
- Designing and implementing a sustainable and compliant FSMS
- Developing a system that fully complies with all the FDA and industry (GFSI/HACCP) programs, procedures, and metrics
- Using a design and implementation process that draws from existing business/management systems and documentation
- Using a process that actively engages the workforce in the design/development, implementation, and ongoing improvement activities of the FSMS to create a participative food-safe packaging culture
- Using a scalable design and implementation process that is responsive to the company’s resources
Kestrel began this phase of the project by focusing on foundational management system elements and working stepwise through the GMP and HACCP programs. Project tasks included:
- Completing food safe packaging compliance register
- Conducting physical review
- Developing HACCP/preventive controls plan
- Creating GMP requirements list
- Developing food safety plan policies/procedures
- Determining second level procedures and work instructions
- Developing/providing training modules
- Conducting internal audits
- Starting management reviews
- Commencing program integrity audits and status updates
- Integrating with current corrective actions and management processes
- Starting FSSC certification process (staged)
Kestrel’s most recent review and assessment of the mill’s management systems and approaches to food safety standards indicate that the overall business integrity and compliance is at the highest level in respect to food safety packaging standards. A legal review has confirmed that the process and developed programs also meet food safety legal requirements.
The flexible packaging industry has experienced rapid growth. Ongoing innovation has led to more new materials being used, growth in packaging formats, extreme in-use conditions, and increasingly more stringent FDA regulations and food safety standards. Commissioning plants for food safety is vital to operating within the food industry.
A company’s achievement as a reliable supplier is linked to its capability to provide safe products. In addition, adhering to food safety standards:
- Allows manufacturers to report on their status to key stakeholders (e.g., food retailers, customers)
- Covers areas of hygiene and product safety throughout the packaging industry
- Helps ensure that suppliers are also following good hygiene practices to complete the due diligence chain
- Ensures that a sustainable quality and product safety system is established and continually improved

Environment / Quality / Safety
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Partnering with Government Agencies to Manage Projects
From time to time, private businesses are faced with the prospect of partnering with a government agency, office, or department in order to accomplish a goal or undertake a project. Reasons vary: the effort may result from an enforcement action, consent order, or settlement agreement, or it may simply be a strategic priority that requires joining forces with a federal, state, or local government office. In any case, working with government agencies presents opportunities and challenges not regularly encountered in a competitive business’s projects.
Reset Your Clock
Government agencies do not move at the speed of competitive business—they typically move much slower. Government budgeting and spending are intentionally lengthy processes that are subject to the political winds. As a result, it is not unusual for agencies to employ (legacy) infrastructure and systems that have worked in the past, regardless of apparent inefficiencies today.
If the agency will be contributing financially to the effort, it may take years for funding to be proposed, studied, discussed, approved in a budget, and then approved to spend. Similarly, any decision-making can be an arduous and lengthy process involving a multitude of managers and influencers.
Understanding how funding and decisions are made and who needs to be involved is critical to managing the time element of projects. Often, the dominant motive for decision-making is protection of the status quo and personal job security, versus “let’s try something new and exciting”. Stakeholder management requires understanding, patience, and persistence.
Take the Lead
Business should expect to take the lead in project management. Most government agencies will advertise successful projects after they are completed, but will keep unproven or work-in-progress low key, pending successful results. Similarly, they will participate as directed in the work but do not usually want to be viewed as driving a public-private partnership, as even the appearance of an overly close relationship with a particular business can compromise the agency’s perceived objectivity. Finally, many public agencies do not have trained project managers on staff to lead such an effort, while a business may.
Find an Agency Champion
Successful execution of the project plan requires timely coordination and cooperation from the agency, and may involve a number of different departments or functions within it. For example, building a joint facility may involve facilities, IT, security, finance, law, and operations departments. In order to get the cooperation needed from the various departments, those staffs will expect someone in their direct chain of command to prioritize the project.
In competitive business, a Vice President acting as project sponsor may have all the authority he/she needs to expect and get cooperation across the property. But in a government agency, a Director or Section Chief over one of the areas may carry absolutely no authority in another department. Government agencies tend to be very silo-ed in their structures, not matrixed. It is important to find a sponsor far enough up the chain to cover all areas involved and to communicate his support of the project to all areas—even if he/she is not regularly directly involved in the project.
Build a Lasting Relationship
So often, the only time business and agencies interact is when one needs something from the other. This can lead to a strained relationship, characterized by avoidance or begrudging interactions. These are the same agencies, however, where a positive working relationship can result in a business competitive advantage. Working closely with these gatekeepers of the regulations and public trust in a non-confrontational setting can set the foundation for a new relationship built upon mutual understanding and achieving common goals.
Government employees fill a valuable role in society by providing services and protecting society. Besides understanding the current enforcement priorities, they interact with customers, competitors and even employees, and can provide valuable information or ideas for businesses to improve efficiencies or help direct the focus of current business efforts.
Case Study: Utility Environmental Management System (EMS)
Kestrel managed a project with an investor-owned utility to design and implement an Environmental Management System (EMS) at a coal-fired power plant. The result of a consent order from the state Natural Resources Department, both the utility and the agency were involved from design and implementation to final auditing and EMS acceptance by the agency. The project and the associated agency interactions brought the plant higher confidence in its environmental plans and operations, and gave local regulators a deeper understanding of the utility business and ownership of the plant’s path forward.
Working with a government agency to manage a project is different than working with a competitive business. However, doing so can be beneficial to achieving both parties’ objectives if the company knows how to successfully navigate the working relationship:
- Understand how government funding and decisions are made before project kickoff.
- Actively manage government stakeholders—expect to take the lead.
- Find a project sponsor with the authority to ensure cooperation from all agency departments involved.
- Take advantage of the opportunity to build a positive, long-lasting relationship.

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How Do Business Processes Impact Waste Management?
Biotechnology Focus
When it comes to digging deeper into your waste management efforts, it’s important to step back from the waste itself and consider how waste fits into operations—and how it may impact your overall business. What’s coming in? What’s going out? And what risks does this present to the business?
In this Q&A with KTL Principal Lisa Langdon, we discuss how a comprehensive review of operations is the foundation to effectively managing waste.
What does a comprehensive review of operations look like?
Companies who want to proactively manage their waste need to first go through the process of understanding:
- What waste streams you have;
- Where your waste fits into your business processes; and
- What you need to do with your waste and operations to minimize risk, reduce costs, and ensure compliance.
The first step in understanding how waste fits into the business is to thoroughly review and map all business processes, keeping focus on the entire production process. This can start with a facility layout diagram, followed by more specific process and sub-process flow diagrams.
Most biotech operations will have their processes mapped in a fair amount of detail, but perhaps not smaller or startup operations. For example, existing diagrams might be found as part of the documents managed under a quality management systems (QMS) (e.g., ISO 9001) or as part of air permitting or other compliance documents.
As an outside consultant, Kestrel reviews and builds off whatever process flows have already been developed internally to ensure they are comprehensive. The review and process flows should reflect production-related activities, including raw materials receiving, raw material entry and processing in production, product finishing, packaging, and shipping. Capability, capacity, programs, and processes to comply are examined as part of this review.
How does this help a company understand and improve waste management?
Defining, understanding, and improving the material and waste flow within major processes, programs, and projects can be challenging. Through in-depth interviews, data analysis, application of disciplined process improvement methods, and facilitation, we are able to demonstrate how all areas interrelate and impact the way an organization functions—as well as the associated business risks.
Having this all mapped out helps companies improve the interconnected set of processes, sub-processes, activities, and tasks that allow the business to manage waste most effectively. With a comprehensive understanding of a process, program or project, it then becomes possible to make changes that reduce variation and remove activities that contribute no value to the end product or service.
What is the goal on a waste management project like this?
Ultimately, our goal is to help companies decide on priorities for change, and then implement efficient business processes to improve operations and waste management practices that our clients can manage on their own. We maintain our focus on increasing efficiency and reliability without sacrificing quality, capacity, safety, or environmental responsibility.
Kestrel’s forte lies in translating strategy into execution, using process as the critical link to help organizations realize measurable results. By providing an objective perspective, we assist company leaders in analyzing, documenting, operationalizing, and sustaining process, program, and project improvements over the long term.

Top 5 Critical Factors for Value-Added Auditing
Auditing is a management tool that can be used to evaluate and monitor the internal performance and compliance of your company with regulations and standards. An audit can also be used to determine the overall effectiveness of an existing system within your company.
How do you incorporate compliance auditing best practices to help maximize compliance, efficiency, and value of your audit? Here are five critical factors for value-added audits.
1. Goal Aligned with Business Strategy
There are many reasons why companies conduct audits:
- Support commitment to compliance
- Avoid penalties
- Meet management system requirements
- Meet corporate or customer mandates
- Support acquisition or divestiture
- Assess organizational structure and competency
- Identify cost saving and pollution prevention opportunities
- Determine alignment with strategic direction
It is vital to define and understand the goal of your compliance audit program before beginning the audit process. Establishing goals enables recognition of broader issues and can lead to long-term preventive programs. Not establishing a clear, concise goal can lead to a waste of resources.
Audit goals and objectives should be nested within the company business goals, key performance objectives, and values. An example of a goal might be to effectively measure environmental compliance while maintaining a reasonable return on investment.
Once the goal is established, it is important to communicate it across all functions of the organization to get company-wide support. Performance measurements should also be communicated and widely understood.
2. Management Buy-in
The audit program must have upper management support to be successful. Management must exhibit top-down expectations for program excellence, view audits as a tool to drive continuous improvement, and work to imbed audits within other improvement processes. Equally important, management must not use audit results to take punitive action against any person or department.
3. Documented Audit Program Systematically Applied
Describe and document the audit process for consistent, efficient, effective, and reliable application. Audit procedures should be tailored to the specific facility/operation being audited. A documented program will include the following:
- Scope. The scope discusses what areas/media/timeframe will be audited. The scope of the audit may be limited initially to what is manageable and can be done very well, thereby producing performance improvement and a wider understanding and acceptance of objectives. It may also be limited by identifying certain procedural or regulatory shifts and changes. As the program is developed and matures (e.g., management systems, company policy, operational integration), it can be expanded and, eventually, shift over time toward systems in place, prevention, efficiency, and best practices. It is important at the scoping stage to address your timeline. Audits should be scoped to make sure you get them done but also to make sure you have audited all compliance areas in an identified timeframe.
- Criteria. Compliance with requirements will clearly be covered in an audit, but what about other opportunities for improvement (e.g., pollution prevention, energy savings, carbon reduction)? All facilities need to be covered at the appropriate level, with emphasis based on potential compliance and business risks. Assess the program strengths, redundancy, integration within the organization, and alignment with the program goal. Develop specific and targeted protocols that are tailored to operational characteristics and based on applicable regulations and requirements for the facility. As protocols are updated, the ability to evaluate continuous improvement trends must be maintained.
- Auditor training (i.e., competency, bias). A significant portion of the audit program should be conducted by knowledgeable auditors (e.g., independent insiders, third parties, or a combination thereof) with clear independence from the operations being audited and from the direct chain of command. For organizational learning and to leverage compliance standards across facilities, it is good practice to vary at least one audit team member for each audit. Companies often enlist personnel from different facilities and with different expertise to audit other facilities. Periodic third-party audits further bring outside perspective and reduce tendencies toward “home-blindness”.
Training should be done throughout the entire organization, across all levels:
+ Auditors are trained on both technical matters and program procedures.
+ Management is trained on the overall program design, purpose, business impacts of findings, responsibilities, corrections, and improvements.
+ Line operations are trained on compliance procedures and company policy/systems.
Consider having auditor training conducted by an outside source to teach people how to decide what to audit and follow a trail. It can also work well to train internal auditors by having them audit alongside an experienced 3rd party.
- Audit conduct (i.e., positive approach). A positive approach and rationale for the audit must be embraced. Management establishes this tone and sets the expectation for cooperation among all employees. Communication before, during, and after the audit is vital in keeping things positive. It is important to stress the following:
- Auditor interviews are evaluating systems, not personal behaviors.
- The audit is an effective tool to improve performances.
- Results will not be used punitively.
- Audit reporting. Information from auditing (e.g., findings, patterns, trends, comparisons) and the status of corrective actions often are reported on compliance dashboards for management review. Audit reports should be issued in a predictable and timely manner. It is desirable to orient the audit program toward organizational learning and continual improvement, rather than a “gotcha” philosophy. “Open book” approaches help learning by letting facility managers know in advance what the audit protocols are and how the audits will be conducted. Documentation is essential, and reporting should always align with program goals and follow legal guidance. There is variability in what gets reported and how based on the company’s objects. For example:
- Findings only vs. opportunities for improvement and best management practices?
- Spreadsheet vs. long format report?
- Scoring vs. prioritization of findings (beware of the unintended consequences of scores!)?
- Recommendations for corrective actions included or left for separate discussion?
- Corrective and preventive action. Corrective actions require corporate review, top management-level attention, and management accountability for timely completion. A robust root cause analysis helps ensure not just correction/containment of the existing issue, but also preventive action to assure controls are in place to prevent the event from recurring. For example, if a drum is labeled incorrectly, the corrective action is to relabel that drum. A robust plan should be to also look for other drums that might be labeled incorrectly and to add and communicate an effective preventive action (e.g., training or posting signs showing a correctly labeled drum).
- Follow-up and frequency. Address repeat findings. Identify patterns and seek root cause analysis and sustainable corrections. Communications with management should be done routinely to discuss status, needs, performance, program improvements, and business impacts. Those accountable for performance need to be provided information as close to “real time” as possible. There are several levels of audit frequency, depending on the type of audit:
- Frequent: Operational (e.g., inspections, housekeeping, maintenance) – done as part of routine day-to-day operational responsibilities
- Periodic: Compliance, systems, actions/projects – conducted annually/semi-annually
- As needed: For issue follow-up
- Infrequent: Comprehensive, independent – conducted every three to four years
4. Robust Corrective Action Program
As mentioned above, corrective actions are a must. If there is no commitment to correction, there is no reason to audit. A robust root cause analysis is essential. This should be a formal, yet flexible, approach. There should be no band-aids. Mistake-proof corrections and include metrics where possible. In the drum example given above, a more robust corrective action program would look at the root cause: Why was the drum mislabeled? Did the person know to label it? If so, why didn’t they do it?
The correction itself is key to the success of the audit program. Establish the expected timeframe for correction (including addressing preventive action). Establish an escalation process for delayed corrections. Corrective actions should be reviewed regularly by upper management using the existing operations review process. There must also be a process for verification that the correction has been made; the next audit cycle may not be sufficient.
Note also that addressing opportunities for improvement, not just non-compliance findings, may increase the return on investment associated with conducting an audit.
5. Sharing of Findings and Best Practices
Audit results should be communicated to increase awareness and minimize repeat findings. Even if conducted under privilege, best practices and corrections can and should still be shared. Celebrate the positives and creative solutions. Stress the value of the audit program, always providing metrics and cost avoidance examples when possible. Inventory best practices and share/transfer them as part of audit program results. Use best-in-class facilities as models and “problem sites” for improvement planning and training.
Value-Added Audit
An audit can provide much additional value and return on organization if it is planned and managed effectively. This includes doing the following:
- Align program goal with business strategy to secure top-down buy-in
- Expand criteria beyond compliance
- Gain goodwill through positive approach
- Document program and results
- Monitor for timely, effective corrective action
- Share opportunities for improvement