
24 Apr
Earth Day 2023: Invest in Our Planet

Every year on April 22, Earth Day celebrates the birth of the modern environmental movement. The very first Earth Day—spearheaded by Senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970—led to the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the passage of new environmental laws, including the National Environmental Education Act, the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and the Clean Air Act. 

While the early Earth Days concentrated on enacting legislation to clean up environmental concerns, Earth Day today is largely focused on what we can do to sustain our planet for future generations…

Creating a Green Future

The EARTHDAY.ORG 2023 theme picks up from last year—”Invest in Our Planet”—and is focused on engaging governments, institutions, businesses, and citizens to do their part: everyone accounted for, everyone accountable. According to Kathleen Rogers, President of EARTHDAY.ORG, “Businesses, governments, and civil society are equally responsible for taking action against the climate crisis and lighting the spark to accelerate change towards a green, prosperous, and equitable future.” 

Government Initiatives

Governments around the globe have enacted many significant green policy initiatives, yet nearly every country in the world is not on track to meet greenhouse gas (GHG) neutrality by 2050, according to EARTHDAY.ORG.

The EPA released its most recent EPA Perspective: 5 Ways EPA is Protecting People and the Planet in honor of Earth Day. The Agency cites the following key areas the U.S. government is concentrating on to positively impact our planet:

  1. Tackling the climate crisis with the urgency it demands, including technology standards for cars and trucks and funding for local governments to cut climate pollution.
  2. Confronting longstanding environmental injustices and inequities, through investments in EPA’s environmental justice (EJ) initiatives to fund and support programs to reduce pollution and improve public health, particularly in historically underserved communities.
  3. Improving air quality in neighborhoods across the country with several action to cut harmful air pollution and smog from power plants and industrial facilities.
  4. Ensuring clean water for all families through President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, which invests billions in rebuilding our nation’s water infrastructure, and by proposing the first-ever legal limits for PFAS in drinking water.
  5. Building a healthier future, from the Clean School Bus Program to accelerate a zero-emission transportation future, to starting new cleanup projects at 22 Superfund sites.

What You Can Do

Governments, businesses, and citizens are all essential in taking action to overcome the climate crisis.  When it comes to your organization, EARTHDAY.ORG suggests, “Businesses, inventors, and financial markets must drive value for their institutions and society through green innovation and practices. Like other economic revolutions, the private sector has the power to drive the most significant change, with both the necessary scale and speed.”

Change starts with action. Learn more about how you can be part of Earth Day every day.

20 Apr
Tech Corner: Document Management

Functionality: What does it do?

A document/records management system creates a company-wide framework for central and secure storage and organization of and access to documents and records. Having a good document management system is essential for maintaining the vast number of documents required by regulations and standards, particularly since some have retention cycles for as long as 30 years.

Benefits: Why do you need it?

Document management provides the following:

  • Central and secure storage, organization, and access to documents and records locally or remotely.
  • Process and document standardization.
  • Higher quality data due to reduced human error.
  • Improved collaboration and dissemination of document updates to staff.
  • Improved document searchability and accessibility.
  • Enhanced workflows for approving and completing tasks involving documents.
  • Easy access for audits and clear audit trail.
  • Version control and history.
  • Reduced paperwork.
  • Ease in uploading documents (similar to a shared network drive) and adding/updating metadata for searchability.
  • Improved security of sensitive documents (permissions that can be applied at the document level).

All of which lead to more consistent, efficient, and reliable compliance performance.

Technology Used


18 Apr
Transitioning to FSSC 22000 Version 6.0

Food Safety System Certification (FSSC) 22000 is a complete Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI)-benchmarked certification scheme that is aligned with the ISO management system approach and harmonized structure. The first version of FSSC 22000 was published in 2009, and more than 16,000 sites have been certified under the scheme since.

On March 31, 2023, the Foundation FSSC published the most recent version of the FSSC 22000 scheme (FSSC V6.0) to:

  • Integrate the requirements of ISO 22003-1:2022.
  • Strengthen the requirements to support organizations in their contributions to meeting the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Incorporate feedback from the FSSC 22000 V6.0 development survey.

Overview of Changes

Foundation FSSC has set a 12-month period—between April 1, 2023 and March 31, 2024— for companies to transition from V5.1 to V6.0. In addition to changes in some of the requirements (as outlined below), V6.0 includes a realignment of the Food Chain Categories in accordance with ISO 22003-1:2022 and GFSI requirements (i.e., including Trading and Brokering (FII) and removing Farming (A)). Among others, some of the significant changes to the requirements include the following:

Food safety and quality culture. As we are seeing with other GFSI certification schemes, ISO management systems, and the FDA New Era of Smarter Food Safety, culture requirements are becoming more prominent. FSSC 22000 V6.0 requires senior management to “establish, implement, and maintain a food safety and quality culture objective as part of the management system,” addressing the following elements at a minimum: communication, training, employee feedback and engagement, and performance measurement of defined activities.

In addition, organizations must develop and implement a a documented food safety and quality culture plan that outlines objectives and timelines and follows the management system process of continuous improvement (i.e., plan-do-check-act (PDCA)).

Quality control. Quality control is a new clause of FSSC 22000 V6.0 that aligns with clauses 5.2 and 6.2 of ISO 22000:2018. Under this clause, organizations must establish, implement, and maintain a quality policy, objectives, and parameters in line with finished product specifications for all products within the scope of certification. As part of the quality program, organizations also need to establish and implement quality control and line startup and changeover procedures to ensure products meet customer and legal requirements.

Food loss and waste. The regulatory community has identified the lack of circularity in the food industry and a real need for addressing food waste. FSSC V6.0 now requires organizations to develop a documented policy with objectives and detailed strategy to reduce food loss and waste within the organization and the related supply chain.

Equipment management. Organizations must establish and implement a risk-based change management process for new equipment and/or any changes to existing equipment. This includes having documented purchase specifications to address such things as hygienic design, legal and customer requirements, and intended use of the equipment.

Allergen management. The requirement to have a documented allergen management plan is not new to V6.0. However, in addition to a including a risk assessment of all potential sources of allergen cross-contamination and related control measures, V6.0 now requires validation and verification of control measures; precautionary or warning labels as an outcome of the risk assessment to identify allergen cross-contamination risks (warning labels do not exempt the organization from implementing allergen control measures/verification testing); allergen awareness and control measures training; and annual review of the allergen management plan.

Environmental monitoring. V6.0 expands on the previous requirements for organizations to have a risk-based environmental monitoring program (EMP) for relevant pathogens, spoilage, and indicator organisms and documented procedures for evaluating the effectiveness of all controls in preventing contamination. V6.0 requires that the EMP must be reviewed for continued effectiveness at least annually, including when specific triggers occur (e.g., significant changes related to products, processes, legislation; when no positive test results have been obtained over an extended period; and when there is a repeat detection of pathogens during routine environmental monitoring).

Validation/verification of packaging claims. When a claim is made on the product label or packaging, the organization must maintain evidence of validation to support the claim and must have verification systems in place to ensure product integrity.

Food defense. V6.0 clarifies and strengthens requirements related to food defense. Organizations now must conduct and document a food defense threat assessment based on defined methodology to identify and evaluate potential threats linked to processes and products. In addition, the food defense plan must be based on the threat assessment, specify mitigation measures and verification procedures, and be implemented and supported by the food safety management system (FSMS).

Food fraud mitigation. Again, V6.0 clarifies and strengthens food fraud mitigation requirements by requiring organizations to conduct and document the food fraud vulnerability assessment to identify potential vulnerabilities and develop and implement appropriate mitigation measures. The food fraud mitigation plan must be based on the vulnerability assessment, specify mitigation measures and verification procedures, and be implemented and supported by the FSMS.

Other requirements. V6.0 also includes clarifications on the requirements for the certification process and implements the addition of a QR Code on FSSC 22000 certificates for improved traceability. It updates Communication Requirements (2.5.17) so organizations must 1) inform the certification body within three days of serious events/situations that may impact the FSMS and/or the integrity of the certification, and then 2) implement corrective measures as part of the emergency response and preparedness process. In addition, the standard requires that major nonconformities must be closed by the certification body within 28 calendar days from the last day of the audit. If this is not possible, the Corrective Action Plan must include temporary measures and controls necessary to mitigate the risk until permanent corrective action can be implemented.

Next Steps

Sites currently certified to FSSC 22000 have a transition period of 12 months to prepare their FSMS to be audited against the V6.0 requirements. The next year affords these organizations the time to assess current FSSC 22000 elements; identify improvements that are internally desirable and/or required by the new V6.0; and implement those updates to reduce nonconformances with FSSC 22000 V6.0. This can be done through a series of phases to ensure adoption throughout the organization:

Phase 1: Internal Assessment. Review existing FSSC 22000 food programs, processes, and procedures; document management systems; and employee training tools and programs to identify those areas in need of updates, development, and/or implementation to meet the requirements of V6.0.

Phase 2: FSMS Updates. Based on the assessment, develop a plan for updating your FSSC 22000 FSMS, including major activities, key milestones, and expected outcomes. This may include updating/developing programs, processes, procedures, and training with missing V6.0 requirements.

Phase 3: Training. To ensure staff are prepared to implement and sustain the updated FSSC 22000 V6.0 program, they must be trained on applicable requirements; specific plans, procedures, and good manufacturing practices (GMPs) developed to achieve compliance; and the certification roadmap to prepare for future assessments.

View the complete FSSC V6.0 standard.

29 Mar
Energy Management: Reviewing Your Utility Bill

Energy monitoring is a key first step in effective energy management, as it allows organizations to understand their energy consumption patterns and identify routine waste in the process. Reviewing utility bills is a basic initial action that can offer significant insights into how an organization consumes energy and what opportunities may exist for immediate and longer-term savings.

Uncovering Opportunities

Working with a Certified Energy Manager (CEM) to review and analyze a 12-month history of utility data for both electricity and natural gas can help identify peak demand, load profile, taxes, and historic trends in usage. This information can be used, in turn, to calculate savings on efficiency measures and projects based on utility costs. Such opportunities may include the following:

Tariff Review

A utility tariff governs how an energy provider (electric or natural gas) charges the customer for their electricity and natural gas usage. Utilities set out the rates, terms, and conditions of service in these tariffs. Electricity tariffs can vary widely by location and provider, hence the importance of reviewing the organization’s current tariff with its energy provider.

After reviewing utility bills and preparing a profile of energy usage, it is possible to compare the current tariff with other available tariffs to determine if there is a more cost-effective way to purchase energy. The utility may conduct these tariff reviews on your behalf; however, a second opinion can often identify savings opportunities to take advantage of the way a tariff may be structured. For example, a portion of the total utility bill is typically determined by actual demand and structure of the tariff. Where demand charges are nearing 50% of the bill, there are often opportunities for cost savings, including:

  • Shifting production to take advantage of lower rates in off-peak hours or seasons.
  • Staggering startups to reduce instantaneous demand.

Tax Exemption

If you are paying the full taxes on your electricity and natural gas, your organization may be eligible for a tax exemption depending on where the facility is located. The tax exemption typically applies to energy (gas or electric) that is used to manufacture saleable goods. Tax exemptions often apply to 75% to 99% of the facility’s total utility tax burden. 

To receive the exemption, an energy tax study is required to determine how much energy at the facility is used in the manufacture of saleable goods (i.e., any processes that modify the product) versus the energy used for ancillary operation (e.g., warehousing, welfare spaces, lighting). Typically, these studies must be renewed when significant changes occur at the facility to impact load or every three years, whichever is soonest (depending on state-specific rules). The value of the tax emption can vary greatly depending on facility size.

Energy Costs in the Open Market

Energy costs (gas and electric) can be compared against known market rates to determine whether there may be an opportunity for cheaper supply on the open market. The map below shows which states have a deregulated energy market. Any operations in these states may be able to find partnerships with third-party energy suppliers for cost savings.

Utility bills are just a starting point. The more data that can be reviewed and analyzed—and the more detailed it is—the easier it is to identify cost- and energy-saving opportunities within operations.

KTL has experience reviewing utility bills and helping organizations of all sizes identify energy consumption patterns and energy efficiency solutions. Please contact us for assistance in meeting your energy, environmental, and sustainability objectives.

28 Mar
Tech Corner: Dashboards

Functionality: What does it do?

A dashboard is a tool used to quickly display and visualize data, typically using charts, tables, and other graphic elements. Dashboards provide a quick and simplified way for users to understand complex data sets, review key performance indicators (KPIs), and identify trends or patterns.

The data collected in most business processes—ranging from the outputs of an inspection form to the inputs into a companywide sales program—can be displayed in a dashboard. For example:

  • Forklift Pre-Op Inspection Dashboard: A dashboard could be set up to track and visually display when the inspection form is being filled out, by whom, what types of issues are being identified, how frequently they are identified, and what outstanding issues need to be closed. These dashboards can help identify trends and improve overall management of the inspection program.
  • Marketing and Sales Dashboard: Marketing and Sales departments rely heavily on metrics. Dashboards allow the end user to visualize data that is being tracked, such as advertising return on investment, engagement, growth, revenue, website traffic, sales pipeline, etc. These dashboards can help with sales forecasting and informing marketing decisions.
  • Homepage Dashboard: Homepage dashboards are often used as internal landing pages that display important data related to the company and/or specific projects. These might be formatted to contain key metrics, important documents, sales data, assigned tasks, etc. They provide a quick, at-a-glance view of relevant data and information.

Benefits: Why do you need it?

  • Dashboards provide an integrated view of data pulled from multiple sources into an easy-to-read display.
  • Simplified data visualization allows for improved and more efficient decision-making.
  • Dashboards metrics provide for real-time monitoring of data as it is being collected.
  • The collaboration, customization, and transparency provided through dashboards help support organizational objectives.

Technology Used

  • Excel
  • Power Apps
  • Power BI
  • SharePoint
Sample homepage dashboard
Sample homepage dashboard
27 Mar
Visit KTL at the 2023 Food Safety Summit

As one of the premier events in the food industry, the Food Safety Summit provides a comprehensive conference and expo for attendees to learn from subject matter experts, exchange ideas, and find solutions to current industry challenges.

  • When: May 8-11, 2023
  • Where: Donald Stephens Convention Center, Rosemont, Illinois
  • Who: Retailers, food processors, distributors, food manufacturers, growers, foodservice, testing laboratories, importing/exporting, law firms, and other food safety professionals
  • Find KTL: Stop by our booth (#534) in the exhibit hall!

KTL Solutions Stage Presentation

Be sure to also update your agenda to attend KTL’s Solutions Stage presentation on Thursday, May 11 at 2:00 pm CT:

The Big Secret: You already have the software you need to build your FSMS.
Having a simple, centralized FSMS to manage, track, communicate, and report compliance program information can enable staff to complete required tasks, improve compliance performance, and support operational decision-making. It sounds expensive, but it doesn’t have to be—not when most companies already have the software and just need the right combination of food safety and IT expertise to customize it. KTL will present several examples that demonstrate how various food companies are leveraging Microsoft 365® with SharePoint and the Power Platform to elevate their FSMS and effectively manage food safety compliance documentation, data, and certification requirements.

22 Mar
Q&A: Environmental Monitoring for Food Safety

When preparing for compliance and certification audits, environmental monitoring is an area where there are often questions: What are my requirements? How much do I need to do? What happens if I have a deviation? There are many intricacies associated with environmental monitoring that can depend largely on operational processes and compliance and certification requirements—many of which are not always clearly defined. KTL’s food safety experts offer their high-level perspective on some common questions regarding environmental monitoring.

What is environmental monitoring?

Environmental monitoring involves sampling and testing your facility’s environment for pathogens, spoilage and indicator organisms, and allergens to prevent foodborne illness. Environmental monitoring is typically done by swabbing various surfaces for pathogens and sending those samples to an accredited lab for analysis. This monitoring helps to 1) assess how effective the plant’s cleaning and sanitation programs are, and 2) determine whether any pathogens are living in the facility so it can respond accordingly (e.g., adjusting cleaning procedures, addressing personnel hygiene issues, etc.). 

What is an Environmental Monitoring Program (EMP)?

An EMP refers to an entire program for organizing the monitoring process to prevent pathogens—and foodborne illness—in finished product. The EMP helps to identify those areas where harmful microorganisms could be harboring in the facility and to implement and verify the effectiveness of pathogen controls (e.g., cleaning and sanitation procedures, sampling frequency and methodology, employee hygiene practices). Ultimately, the purpose of an effective EMP is to help a facility identify and implement strategies to eliminate pathogens and prevent their recurrence.

Who needs an EMP?

Certain foods are considered high risks for harboring pathogens and growing bacteria. These include beef, poultry, dairy, seafood/shellfish, ready-to-eat (RTE) food, baby food, leafy greens, and tree nuts. According to U.S. Public Health Service, the organisms in the table below—and their sources—are the biggest culprits of foodborne illness:

CampylobacterRaw and undercooked poultry and other meat, raw milk, and untreated water
Clostridium botulinumImproperly prepared home-canned foods
E. coli 0157:H7Beef, produce, raw milk, and unpasteurized juices and ciders
Listeria monocytogenesUnpasteurized dairy products, sliced deli meats, smoked fish, hot dogs, pate’, and deli-prepared salads
NorovirusAny food contaminated by someone who is infected with this virus
SalmonellaRaw and undercooked eggs, undercooked poultry and meat, fresh fruits and vegetables, and unpasteurized dairy products
Staphylococcus aureusCooked foods high in protein that are held too long at room temperature
ShigellaSalads, unclean water, and any food handled by someone who is infected with the bacterium
Toxoplasma gondiiRaw or undercooked pork
Vibrio vulnificusRaw or undercooked seafood, particularly shellfish

The kill step is the point in food manufacturing when dangerous pathogens are removed from the product. This is often done by killing pathogens through processes such as cooking, pasteurization, irradiation, and freezing. It is one of the most important steps in keeping food safe. The following questions can help determine whether an EMP may be necessary for your facility:

  • Does your process have a kill step that removes dangerous pathogens from the product?
  • Is your product exposed to the environment after the kill step and before packaging?
  • Does your product combine RTE products without including a kill step?

Why do I need an EMP?

From a compliance perspective, the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Final Rule for Preventive Controls for Human Food requires it: “A facility who has identified a potential environmental pathogen or indicator organism as a hazard to RTE foods is required to include an EMP in its Food Safety Plan. A trained Preventive Controls Qualified Individual (PCQI) needs to review EMP test results to ensure that the Food Safety Plan is being followed.”

From a certification perspective, most Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) food safety certification schemes also require an EMP, and failure to have an effective program will result in a major non-conformance.

From a consumer protection perspective, environmental monitoring is intended to protect consumers by keeping harmful bacteria from contaminating the food we eat. An EMP can help serve as an early warning system for identifying a potential contaminant before it spreads throughout the facility and into food that reaches the consumer.

What does an EMP include?

EMP requirements are set forth by FDA and GFSI certification programs, but retailers and consumers may also have their own requirements that impact the food supply chain. According to FDA, a FSMA-compliant EMP should include:

  • Established, written, and scientifically valid procedures.
  • Identified testing microorganisms, adequate locations, and number of collection sites.
  • Identified timing and frequencies for collecting and testing samples.
  • Identified corrective action procedures in compliance with CFR 21 section 117.150.
  • Testing performed by an accredited laboratory.

An EMP should be tailored to the facility’s specific operations and food products; however, there are several steps that every program should include:

  • Perform a risk assessment. Determine the risks associated with the plant’s operations, including identifying high-risk foods and potential pathogens that could be present. The frequency of environmental monitoring will be determined by the hazards and risks identified.
  • Determine hygienic zones. An EMP should include sampling to assess activities, pathogens, associated risks, and mitigation options within the following zones (from highest to lowest risk):
    • Zone 1: Direct food contact services (e.g., counters, conveyers, utensils).
    • Zone 2: Indirect food contact surfaces that are close to food contact surfaces (e.g., crevices of equipment, drip shields).
    • Zone 3: Indirect food contact surfaces that are not close to food contact surfaces (e.g., walls, floors, drains).
    • Zone 4: Areas distant from food contact surfaces and processing areas (e.g., locker rooms, lunchrooms, offices).
  • Implement and manage testing protocols. Testing and sampling protocols should identify the frequency of sampling required (depending on risks), number of samples (depending on the facility size), timing of sampling (before/during/after production), person responsible for conducting sampling, and an accredited lab (ISO 17025) to use for testing, as needed. Some facilities may opt to conduct internal “rapid tests” at interim phases of production by trained staff to provide more immediate and cost-effective results and leave third-party lab testing for the final product. Regardless of whether testing is done internally or by a lab, an effective EMP will swab different sites each time to reduce the likelihood of contamination going undetected.
  • Develop corrective action procedures. Sampling is intended to identify high-risk areas. How an establishment responds to any findings—and how quickly—is critical. Potential corrective actions may include changing cleaning chemicals, increasing frequency of cleaning program, requiring uniforms, etc.
  • Verify and validate the EMP. Data, programs, and procedures should be regularly reviewed to ensure the EMP is serving its intended purpose. Verification provides proof the EMP is working; validation provides proof it is effective.

What do I do if I have a deviation?

The FDA anticipates that facilities with EMPs will occasionally detect environmental pathogens. If this happens, the facility should immediately enact the corrective actions outlined in the facility’s EMP (see above). This may include modifying cleaning and sanitation procedures, recleaning areas, conducting retesting, holding product, or even issuing a product recall.

It is important for facilities to remember that any environment has the potential to become contaminated with a pathogen. Never having a positive result for a common environmental pathogen might not necessarily mean that the EMP is “perfect;” rather, it might be a sign that the right areas are not being swabbed adequately. Keep in mind that any positive result offers an opportunity to improve the EMP and related cleaning/sanitation/hygiene procedures.

How can I prevent environmental pathogens?

There are a number of key actions food processors can undertake to prevent environmental pathogens from contaminating their facilities and food products:

  • Apply Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs). GMPs apply to EMPs, as with every other aspect of a strong food safety program. GMPs that will impact environmental monitoring results include employee hygiene practices, sanitary facility and equipment design, and cleaning and sanitation processes.
  • Evaluate, implement, and verify preventive controls. Identify your greatest risks for environmental pathogens, and proactively develop strategies to implement controls in your process flow. These may include controlling pedestrian walkways to avoid personnel contamination; using dedicated tools, equipment, and/or staff post-process; having special uniforms for staff, etc. Just as important, you must verify the performance of your preventive controls through environmental monitoring and take corrective action immediately if problems arise.
  • Ensure employees and other resources are qualified. Employees responsible for sanitation, sampling, and overseeing the EMP must have the necessary training and/or experience for assigned duties. In addition, any outside labs used for environmental testing must be accredited under ISO 17025.
  • Review and update the EMP. Products, operations, equipment, employees, processes, and other environmental factors change—and all of these can impact the EMP. Conducting periodic reviews to ensure processes and procedures reflect any new conditions is important in ensuring a facility’s overall hygiene and its products’ quality and safety.
28 Feb
Q&A with KTL’s Certified Energy Manager (CEM)

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA)’s World Energy Outlook 2022, “The world is in the midst of the first truly global energy crisis, with impacts that will be felt for years to come” due to energy shortfalls and high prices of natural gas and coal—much related to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The Outlook further states that advanced economies/governments have committed well over $500 billion to protect consumers, but the key takeaway from IEA is clear: “Today’s energy shock is a reminder of the fragility and unsustainability of our current energy system.”

Greater energy efficiency is a key part of the solution—and not just at a federal level. With significant government policies and pledges to achieve a NetZero Economy by 2050, organizations large and small need to be thinking about energy management. What does this mean? KTL Senior Consultant and Certified Energy Manager (CEM) Coulter Wood answers a few questions to offer some insight.

What is energy management?

Energy management involves monitoring and controlling energy consumption across an organization to save energy and, subsequently, save money. Energy management should be part of the overall strategy of a company, with the ultimate objective of reducing the cost of energy (i.e., creating energy efficiencies) without impacting work processes or products.

The energy management process involves four key steps:

  1. Collect and analyze energy usage data. The more data—and the more detailed it is—the easier it is to identify energy waste within operations. Often, your local utility or energy provider is a good source for this type of data.
  2. Identify opportunities to improve energy efficiency and optimize energy usage. The easiest and most cost-effective energy-saving opportunities often require little capital investment.
  3. Implement energy optimization solutions. Gaining cross-functional support is key to realizing a return on investment.
  4. Track and monitor progress/results through an established “measurement and verification” process. Demonstrate results to garner additional support, adjust solutions, as needed, and repeat.

Why should companies be concerned with energy management?

Sound energy management practices can have many benefits to organizations:

  • Reduce costs: The Carbon Trust estimates that most businesses can cut their energy costs by at least 10% (often by 20%) with simple actions that offer a quick return on investment. Operating more efficiently reduces energy consumption, which equates to significant savings on utility bills. This is particularly important as energy costs reach all-time highs.
  • Reduce carbon emissions: The equation is simple: the less energy you use, the fewer carbon emissions you produce.
  • Reduce risk: Organizations that consume significant amounts of energy are at greater risk of being impacted by energy price increases or supply shortages. When an organization can reduce its demand for energy, it also reduces the risks associated with an energy shortage. Having greater control over energy consumption creates resiliency against energy price fluctuations.

How does energy management relate to sustainability?

On a global level, energy consumption is the major contributor to climate change, making up nearly 60% of the world’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Consuming less energy, finding more energy efficient solutions, and/or using alternate renewable energy sources help to reduce energy consumption, reduce carbon emissions, reduce dependence on fossil fuels, and reduce the damage being done to the planet. This ties directly to sustainability goals, including carbon neutral incentives, and helps promote a strong environmental, social, and governance (ESG) image.

What about ISO 50001?

As part of the ISO family of management system standards, ISO 50001:2018 focuses on Energy Management Systems as a strategic tool to help organizations better manage their energy use and:

  • Improve productivity.
  • Reduce environmental impact.
  • Enhance corporate reputation.
  • Drive down costs.
  • Improve competitiveness.

According to ISO, “ISO 50001 is designed to help organizations improve energy performance by making better use of its energy-intensive assets.” Like other ISO standards, ISO 50001 follows the plan-do-check-act (PDCA) process for continual improvement. This involves:

  • Developing and implementing an energy policy.
  • Setting achievable targets for energy use.
  • Designing action plans to reach objectives (e.g., implementing energy-efficient technologies, reducing energy waste, improving current processes to cut energy costs).
  • Measuring progress.

How do I get started?

Energy monitoring is a key first step in effective energy management, as it allows organizations to understand their energy consumption patterns and identify routine waste in the process. A basic initial action is to work with a CEM to review and analyze your utility bill (a 12-month history is ideal). This action alone can offer significant insights into how your organization consumes energy and what opportunities may exist for immediate savings.

Once you have a comprehensive understanding of how energy is being consumed, it becomes possible to identify inefficiencies and opportunities for improvement, whether related to behavior (e.g., asking employees to turn off lights every night), technology (e.g., implementing integrated building management systems), or process (e.g., increasing operations during off-peak hours).

KTL has experience reviewing utility bills and helping organizations of all sizes identify energy consumption patterns and energy efficiency solutions. Please contact us for assistance in meeting your energy, environmental, and sustainability objectives.

16 Feb
One to Watch: FDA and CBD

With a rapidly growing market, pending regulatory action related to marketing cannabidiol (CBD) products is certainly an issue to watch. And the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) set the tone for 2023, issuing a decision on January 26, 2023, concluding that existing regulatory frameworks for food and dietary supplements are not appropriate for regulating CBD. Rather, the FDA press release states, “A new regulatory pathway for CBD is needed that balances individuals’ desire for access to CBD products with the regulatory oversight needed to manage risks.”

Regulating CBD Products

Products containing cannabis or cannabis-derived compounds are subject to the same requirements as FDA-regulated products containing any other substance. FDA has currently approved only one cannabis-derived and three cannabis-related drug products, all of which are only available with a prescription from a licensed healthcare provider. There are no other FDA-approved drug products that contain CBD. In addition, there are currently three generally recognized as safe (GRAS) notices for the following hemp seed-derived food ingredients: hulled hemp seed, hemp seed protein powder, and hemp seed oil. 

While the FDA recognizes the potential therapeutic benefits CBD could offer, the agency is committed to following the drug approval process to help ensure the safety and efficacy of any products derived from cannabis. The use of CBD in dietary supplements and food (both human and animal) raises a variety of safety concerns for the FDA—especially associated with long-term use and vulnerable populations (e.g., children, pregnant women)—that are not fully understood. As a result, the FDA’s internal working group concluded that “it is not apparent how CBD products could meet the safety standards for dietary supplements or food additives”:

  • Dietary Supplements. CBD products are excluded from the dietary supplement definition under section 201(ff)(3)(B) of the Food, Drug & Cosmetic (FD&C) Act [21 U.S.C. § 321(ff)(3)(B)]. This exclusion applies unless the FDA issues a regulation finding that the product would be lawful under the FD&C Act. To date, no such regulation has been issued for any CBD substance. All products that are marketed as dietary supplements must then comply with the regulations governing dietary supplement products, including current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs) and labeling.
  • Human and Animal Food Additives. It is a prohibited act to introduce or deliver for introduction into interstate commerce any food (i.e., human or animal) to which CBD has been added under FD&C Act [21 U.S.C. § 331(ll)].

Warning Letters

The FDA is concerned with the growing number of products containing CBD that are being marketed for therapeutic or medical uses without FDA approval. The agency has sent warning letters to companies illegally selling CBD products that claim to “prevent, diagnose, treat, or cure serious diseases,” as well as to companies that sell CBD-infused food and beverages (e.g., cookies, gummies, etc.). Until a regulatory framework is established, FDA will continue to act against CBD and other cannabis-derived products to protect the public.

New Regulatory Pathway

The FDA believes there is currently not adequate evidence to determine how much CBD can be consumed and for how long before causing harm, and the agency’s existing foods and dietary supplement authorities provide only limited tools for managing the potential risks associated with CBD products. As such, a new regulatory pathway would “benefit consumers by providing safeguards and oversight to manage and minimize risks related to CBD products for humans and animals.”

Risk management tools could include:

  • cGMPs
  • Clear labeling on products
  • Prevention of contaminants
  • CBD content limits
  • Measures to mitigate the risks of ingestion by children (e.g., minimum purchase age)

Many states are trying to close the gap the best they can by putting some regulations in place, but this is currently being done piecemeal. In addition, several organizations have launched cannabis standards and certifications—often based on the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and cGMPs—to improve the overall safety and quality of cannabis and cannabis-infused products in the market.

Companies getting involved in this growing industry need to stay on top of the rapidly changing regulatory environment. Take the time now to assess operations, determine what standards might be appropriate, identify gaps in existing programs, prepare for a new regulatory framework—state and/or federal—and begin implementing solutions to eliminate risks.

08 Feb
Tech Corner: Forklift Pre-Op Inspection Form

Functionality: What does it do?

A pre-operation forklift inspection is used by forklift operators to conduct safety and maintenance checks prior to operation. The intent of the inspection is to reduce the likelihood of avoidable injuries caused by forklifts. Typically, these inspections are done via paper forms. The KTL forklift inspection tool creates a mobile form for electronic data collection in the plant/field. Inspection data is submitted directly to the system and can then be further analyzed through dashboards to identify concerns and trends. Notifications for identified issues and program compliance can also be configured to create greater visibility of the forklift safety program.

Benefits: Why do you need it?

  • Data can be submitted directly and immediately for review with no manual data entry required.
  • Data is stored for future analysis and improvements.
  • Issues with forklifts can be identified quickly and assigned to relevant people for resolution.
  • Program compliance is tracked in real time.

Technology Used

  • Power Automate
  • Power Apps or alternative
  • Power BI